1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by Quartz_King


    there are the coords
    failed at keeping team eye out XD

  2. LooL, well done

  3. Sigh... at least you didn't take anything. Guess I'll gather valuables since you so generously forgot NOT to tell me :D

  4. i took my heads and left XD

  5. dang howd you get in there?

  6. i told plasma i was wheat king and he just tped me in XD he is stupid

  7. Darn I really liked this base too. XD

  8. lol

  9. w0w

  10. at least i got a look at the vbase. airbear your welcome to live with me. and rybye i thought you said ur days of raiding and griefing were over. hypocriteee

  11. @Quartz_King i told plasma i was wheat king and he just tped me in XD he is stupid

    lol some times he makes me cringe XD

  12. @the_wheat_king lol some times he makes me cringe XD

    i first said it as a joke then he actually let me tp XD

  13. Lmao

  14. Edited 7 years ago by OmegaSniper4eva

    @wblaine128 Dont let @the_wheat_king in your base

  15. You said 'the' twice

  16. Where?

  17. @OmegaSniper4eva @wblaine128 Dont let @the_wheat_king in your base

    Right there

  18. "No team eye members aka dumbos"

    @Quartz_King i told plasma i was wheat king and he just tped me in XD he is stupid

    Irony. This made me laugh.

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