Jackpot option at Casino?

  1. 7 years ago

    I think the Casino is pretty awesome, thanks for putting it together for us!

    Was also wondering, what do you guys think about adding some kind of jackpot feature, that could even announce over the server (assuming the jackpot chance is very low).

  2. "player has won the jackpot!!!" kind of thing? That would be pretty nice

  3. Make IT fucking RAIN


  4. Jackpot!! :)
    It would have to be really rare!

  5. Itd be cool if it rained diamonds from the ceiling and everyone could pick them up

  6. What! @Pimpcy where are all the red rubys?! They are my favorite out of all of the rubys in every game! They were easy to farm because they respawned; in Ocarina you could grab the rubys on top of the gate over and over with the sun song.

  7. @TheMightyDrex


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