Casino Black Market?

  1. 7 years ago

    Uhm, my apologies if this has already been mentioned but is the black market supposed to be inaccessible? just curious because i was going from one side of the casino to the next, fell in a hole and then tp'ed back to spawn. Went back into the casino and noticed an NPC with the title "Black Market" underground, and the tile in the floor kept appearing/disappearing.

    Sorry if I'm really late to something here, but I found it strange and now I'm curious. o.o


  2. The black market is inaccessible to players until Baron finishes that up

  3. to be fair, i dodnt know it was inaccessable when we opened, but it turne dout to be a good thing due to some... unforseen issues at the time XD

  4. Awesome! Thanks for the info guys ^^ @BaronBattleBread can't wait to see it when it's finished!

  5. Awww spoiler :/

  6. Edited 7 years ago by OpticImpulse

    Are they gonna sell kidneys at the black market? If they will, then I'm going all ham on the casino!

  7. @OpticImpulse Are they gonna sell kidneys at the black market? If they will, then I'm going all ham on the casino!


  8. @ViciousKangaroo Why


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