Jealous much ....

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 7 years ago

    Wait, you can tp animals with you? I stopped trying after not being able to bring them with me in my.. fourth try? fifth? lost count

  3. Yes, you can but they have to be tamed first.

  4. @Captain_Mitchell Yes, you can but they have to be tamed first.

    Inspired genius! Here is your nobel ^^

  5. @Cileklim Wait, you can tp animals with you? I stopped trying after not being able to bring them with me in my.. fourth try? fifth? lost count

    If the chunk where they are at is loaded and they're not sitting and you teleport home/somewhere, they teleport with you.

  6. Edited 7 years ago by Cileklim

    I was near them so chunks were loaded, they were not sitting too-

    Someone told me that the chunks at the place I'm about to go should also be loaded before i teleport, can that advice fix my problem?

  7. My advice is find the wolves and tame them, then get somone to tpa and stay there while you tp home, then the wolves will tp to you. Make sure its a trustworthy person so they don't kill your dog.

  8. Edited 7 years ago by Cileklim

    @FishW get somone to tpa and stay there while you tp home, then the wolves will tp to you.

    Both chunks will keep being loaded that way, thanks for the help! I'll try it out in few days

  9. @FishW knows how its done Bee's reaction to the horde of wolves was brilliant tho

  10. Once I found a birch themed player built village and dog's where sitting literally everywhere. Roofs, balconies, streets, indoors, outdoors, on a bench, on a street light, Everywhere. even heard some taking damage and dying ;-;

  11. @jamlbon im jealous of ur massive doggo group
    i aspire to be one with the puppers

  12. Doggo does an apocalypse

  13. Edited 7 years ago by _Ami_13_

    @Beedobi @jamlbon im jealous of ur massive doggo group
    i aspire to be one with the puppers

    You should come back then there were at least another dozen on the island where i found then

    Edit : oh wait can doggos even cross dimensions

  14. They can but people would kill them in spawn before I even got to the portal :')

  15. @Beedobi They can but people would kill them in spawn before I even got to the portal :')

    Could you not just use the warp in the book ?? then like how many people are gonna be in the end spawn

  16. ....... yknow,
    I totally forgot I had that ability.
    I dunno if it'll work though, but its worth given it a try right :v

  17. @Beedobi ....... yknow,
    I totally forgot I had that ability.
    I dunno if it'll work though, but its worth given it a try right :v

    I just tried and it didn't work so rip :/

    guess you'd need a spawn egg

  18. @jamlbon i have a suggestion for your island .... more dogs (and a single cat to rule over them)

  19. @thegoldsmith @jamlbon i have a suggestion for your island .... more dogs (and a single cat to rule over them)

    More dogs sounds good ahaha and getting cats takes effort but sounds cool

  20. if i find a jungle i'll let you tp to look for cats @jamlbon

  21. @thegoldsmith if i find a jungle i'll let you tp to look for cats @jamlbon

    aww thanks ;P

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