1. 7 years ago

    So I wanted to make a post about my shop in game, problem is I spent a bunch of time making this table and I would like to know if it will actually work as a post.

    (Here's the actual code)(plz dont take):

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    table, td, th {
    border: 1px solid #ddd;
    text-align: left;

    table {
    border-collapse: collapse;
    width: 100%;

    th, td {
    padding: 15px;

    <h2>Welcome to my Shop!</h2>
    <p>Currently this is a WIP (NOT SELLING ANYTHING YET) and prices wil be updated regularly. Just to note: the first table is what I am selling, and the second is what I am buying. After that, I have a list of my best shoppers and/or helpers. Thanks for checkign this out!
    IMPORTANT: I only accept payment in diamonds, iron, gold and emeralds (D = diamonds, I = iron, G = gold, and E = emeralds).</p>
    <p>Currently Selling</p>

    <td>64x, Chest, Double Chest</td>
    <td>1I, 2D, 4D</td>
    <td>64x, 128x, Chest</td>
    <td>2I, 4I, 3D</td>
    <td>2I, 4I, 1D</td>
    <td>64x, Chest</td>
    <td>FREE, 1D</td>


  2. Edited 7 years ago by Venetorem

    for those so interested, copy+paste that into notepad and save it as a html file

    for those who don't wanna go through the trouble, this is what it will look like

  3. On this forum???? All posts are sanitized for XSS, HTML and stuff.

  4. @CraftyMyner On this forum???? All posts are sanitized for XSS, HTML and stuff.

    lol fail

  5. Deleted 7 years ago by r4iscool1
  6. Edited 7 years ago by Venetorem

    i believe so, haven't tried it on mac
    worth a shot at least

  7. sorry but after i paste it in there, where should i save it that would allow me to post it here, google docs then share the link?

  8. Edited 7 years ago by Venetorem

    cmd+s, then under save as type, click All Files ("."). the name it misterkickmantable.html (or whatever so long as it has [i].html[i])

  9. okay thanks a lot!

  10. Edited 7 years ago by Venetorem

    Sorry for spamming on your post, bust just edit it as a code block

    Item    |  Sizes | Price
    Lorem   |  Ipsum | Dolor
      12x   |  cake  | xyz
    Item    |  Sizes | Price
    Lorem   |  Ipsum | Dolor
      12x   |  cake  | xyz
  11. You can't post any html content or iframes, the only way would be an image or a link out to another site.

  12. okay ill figure it out, thanks for the help!

  13. i also posted a pic on my first comment btw

  14. okay thanks ill just put a picture on it to save all the CSS formatting and stuff

  15. actually I'd like to add some dropdowns, color, and styling (mostly for the practice) so ill just get a link
    Thanks again

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