Why did you name your tool/weapon/armour what you did ??

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by _Ami_13_

    Let's just move past that horrifically worded title okay thank you ;P

    But anyway I have seen some great weapon (and tool if you do name them ) names over the years (months) and I was wondering why you decided on those names.

    I'm gonna start .... obvs

    All my weapons are named after weapons from a game I play : Lexida & Urias are my sharpess and smite swords , Axe Of Hadaron is my bow but obvs not it's my axe and my actual bow is named Eshuon.

    My tools are related to music stuffs waarudo izu main ( meaning World Is Mine , get it mine ahaha .......) is my fortune pick and my silk pick is called Pickachu ( the puns ..... blame my sister okay ) and my shovel is called Rin & Len's Remote Controller bc J-Pop okay

    Well i guess here's my armour too

    Helmet : helm of darkness bc greek mythology
    Chestplate : Lafdranya from the same game as my weapons
    Leggings : jamlbons super silky shorts - cos i wear shorts allllllll the time
    Boots : pegasus boots bc LoZ

    God this was a lengthy post that I doubt people are gonna read but oh well ;P

  2. I like all of my weapons to be named after fairy tales, stories, nursery rhymes, and iconic weapons/tools, for example:

    Sword: Excalibur ( like... 10 other people have lol)
    Axe: The Woodsman's Hatchet (Snow White)
    Pickaxe: Dolabrus (Taken from MC folklore from another server-- not a lot of pickaxes in fairy tales..hm. )
    Pickaxe: Donkeyskin (Silk Touch pick, taken from the Donkeyskin fairy tale- this one is a stretch, but i make the connection. if you wanna hear it, lemme know)
    Bow: When the Bow Breaks (play on words, referencing to the iconic nursery rhyme)
    Shovel: not named yet

  3. Sword: Spider grinder sword- It has bane of arthropods, mending, and sharpness 3 and one shots any spider so *shrugs* had no other use for it other than for a spider grinder XD. That sword has a boring life sitting in a chest waiting to be used for a grinder, and it's basically immortal because it only is used for spiders XD

  4. Edited 7 years ago by TheDunmerRaven

    Well, My choices should be fairly obvious.

    Sword: Raven's Talon.
    Pick: Raven's Claw
    Bow: Ruins Edge
    Helmet: Raven's Crown
    Chestplate: Raven Feathers
    Leggings: Ebon Pants.
    Boots: Boots of the Caw

    I forgot my shield!
    Shield: Raven's Wing

    I also named my boat: Raven's Floating Perch
    but names vanish after they're placed :(

  5. Look at my name. Ask me the same question again. I'll give you the same answer. :D

  6. Deftones is my sword name. My favorite band.

  7. Glory to Arstotzka because Arstotzka is the best country to live in comrades.
    The Master Sword because LoZ
    Then I have 3 axes:
    AntiSkid for my anticheat axe,
    How Unfortunate for the demise of others,
    and Lods of Emone because of .

  8. Edited 7 years ago by _Ami_13_

    :o people actually responded but anyway these are all so cool

    And @TheDunmerRaven never could have guessed :P but that reminds me about armour i guess ill update the post

  9. My sword is named [1000 decibels] because that is deadly, just like my sword :>

  10. Swords name is GRIMM because I kill the nubs and most leave

  11. Hopping25 killed ***** with [His Bare Hands]
    ya... that's my sword, my pick is the most enchanted item i have so i named it Hopping25's Pick so people don't steal it by accident

  12. Named my sword edge because Irony

  13. I name all my swords/bows after either : Books, Something from Vine, A favorite anime reference, or one of my favorite songs :P
    Bow Name: Kawii (Cannot be explained...)
    What imma rename my sword : Merely One Hell of A Sword
    Current Sword Name : The Hand (Boi.)

  14. Everything I own is "YellO Follower's Gear", self explainitory

  15. @OmegaSniper4eva Everything I own is "YellO Follower's Gear", self explainitory

    How does one join the yellow god as a follower

  16. @ghostassasin81 How does one join the yellow god as a follower

    Your soul must be enlightened, and you must see through shades of YellO.

  17. @OmegaSniper4eva Your soul must be enlightened, and you must see through shades of YellO.

    Better explanation please

  18. my tools are all named (loosely) after stars:
    fortune pick : alpha centauri
    silk touch pick : sirius
    shovel : beta centauri (technically the name should be alpha centauri B, but that's not as elegant)
    axe : proxima centauri

  19. i named my axe skrillaxe because i love skrillex

  20. Edited 7 years ago by PenguinMytyMJ

    Pickaxe: Pixie!
    Sword: I Am Cutting Your Head Off! :D
    Infinite Flight Bow: Imfinite Flight
    Silk touch Battle Axe: A Very Sharp Melon. (Because i am a Melon ^_^)
    Fortune tree chopping axe: I Am Chopping Your Head Off :D
    Fortune Pickaxe: Lucki ^^
    Bow: Gun (i didn't name it, 8 year old brother did)
    Diamond Legs: Penguin Battle Legs

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