1. 7 years ago

    Is 10 DB a Bad Price for a beacon? Ive offered 3 people that and had no answer. If so, I have sold Beacons for really cheap in the past.

  2. 10 DB's is ok, but some people search for higher prices or try to negotiate to win more

  3. 10 DB's is pretty much the perfect price, even at the start of the map when there was only like 10 in existence they where only worth 30 DB.

  4. 10 db is what mithraculus sold them for so that's what I will sell them for. I wouldn't go cheaper

  5. @wblaine128 you have any to sell?

  6. @Jordi223b that's the problem no one will try to negotiate with me they just ignore after the offer, hell i would have overpaid for it at the time.

  7. Sorry I didn't see this. Yes I do

  8. Deleted 7 years ago by adamblakely2

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