intresting fact:
admit it, us craftymyners dont sleep much
intresting fact:
admit it, us craftymyners dont sleep much
@TheForgotten20 intresting fact:
admit it, us craftymyners dont sleep much
da faq is sleep you speak of mate. ;]
Also there is minimal studying.
@misterkickman Also there is minimal studying.
i onlyy study in the few weeks before exam
@NutjobBob To make your life easier you can find this page by clicking the stats link in the top right of any forum page (y your name). Saves digging out the old thread where Crafty linked it.
Lol i never saw that there. Thanks!
@TheForgotten20 intresting fact:
admit it, us craftymyners dont sleep much
True words have never been spoken
That's a whole lot of bans. I'll see what other things have less people jailed or banned than the server yhat are pretty surprising