1. 8 years ago

    hey guys, as you might know haloween is soon. so in order to have your base prepped up, here are some haloween supplies!
    blood-scare your friends with these blood splotches. when they enter your house they will think someone got killed there!
    1 diamond for 16
    mutated blocks- Use these mutated blocks to slow your victim down and make them think all the dirt has turned against them!
    1 diamond for 16
    Bloody pimples- put these pimples on your mutated blocks to make them look pimply!
    1 diamond for 32
    cobweb(limited)- trap them and make your house look haunted and old!
    1 diamond for 2(one order available right now)
    rotten flesh-make your friends pick up disgusting rotten flesh!
    free up to 16, then 1 iron for 16
    spider eyes- make your friends pick up disgusting spider eyes!
    limited orders- free
    rotten spider eyes-make your friends pick up disgusting even spookier spider eyes
    limited orders-1 diamond for 2
    glow effects- make them glow....or even better, make yourself glow behind a wall to look like a true ghost!
    1 diamond for 4
    special food-make your friends go crazy by making them eat food that teleports them everywhere!
    1 diamond for 32
    bounce pads-suddenly bounce them up and give them cold sweat when they launch into the air! (manuels for installment can be requested)
    1 diamond for 3(limited edition)
    pumpkin-you cant have haloween without pmpkins!
    1 diamond for 32
    jack'o'lantern- pumpkins....except better
    1 diamond for 20
    spiky plants- make them think plants have turned against them!
    1 diamond for 32
    2 iron each
    cauldron-theres a witch! watch out!
    2 diamonds each
    saplings-fertilise these to make a massive tree appear right in front of you!
    1 diamond for 16
    fertiliser-make saplings grow big fast
    -1 diamond for 16
    shooters coming soon
    spooky heads coming soon
    open to suggestions and price changes

  2. 1 diamond for 16 redstone dust(blood)?? No thanks :P

  3. damn I like this shop, but you might need to check the prices... @Laineyyz

  4. Mmm I don't get trick or treaters so I don't bother

  5. *Halloween

  6. PM me prices that are bad plz, im inexperienced with trading, i get most things free...

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