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  1. 7 years ago

    @TimmyBoyT It seems to me this server is becoming unreliable. =/

    Boi this server is up 99.9999% of the damn time. You cannot complain about the little bit of downtime it has. Especially for a non profit one at that. I remember two days for a total of about 12 hours that the server has been down. And those were about 3 months apart.

  2. Edited 7 years ago by Chilled_Chaos

    The server is still down and this was like, 10 hours ago? Wow I really hope that it gets fixed soon.

  3. tsk tsk tsk. longest down time that I can remember. And last week there was also a few hours downtime. The third party provider is becoming unreliable. Lol.

  4. i believe we are approaching 24 hours down. Heh crafty the server owes you a rebate for the down time i guess, take no prisoners!. In all seriousness I hope the server resolves this today :( Well I am off to 12 hours at the factory job I will check back in around 7pm.

  5. Edited 7 years ago by Saltyfish

    @BaronBattleBread could you keep the maze open for a couple more days? The server hasn't been functioning properly and lot's of people have to go to school so they don't have any time to play on the maze.

  6. please leave the maze up all month, i am OK if you remove prizes after a few days but i wont get a chance to try til Saturday.

  7. Edited 7 years ago by Chips_The_Gamer

    @humfrydog please leave the maze up all month, i am OK if you remove prizes after a few days but i wont get a chance to try til Saturday.

    ^ Agreed

  8. @humfrydog please leave the maze up all month, i am OK if you remove prizes after a few days but i wont get a chance to try til Saturday.

    I couldn't try it out too, I'm having connection issues with server since it got back up.

  9. Edited 7 years ago by Sievel

    I'm not sure if it is related since 12 hours ago the server was back to being a dream, but at least since 2 hours ago it disconnects everyone constantly. Like 5sec to 2 min until a disconnect "connection closed by remotehost".
    I know that this is a problem on the hosts side but damn that is ridiculous. Wonder if their server are on fire?