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cepheid’s thoughts #1: state of the server and possible reset

  1. 7 years ago

    See a TL;DR at the bottom (probably the best place to start)

    This is probably the most important forum post I’ll ever make. I’m extremely sorry for the length, but this post is made less for the casual forum-goer and more as a serious suggestion for the senior staff.

    I want to start this off by saying that nearly all the ideas I’ve expressed in this post are not new, but things I’ve been thinking about for months. Some go back to almost the beginning of 1.9 and others are more recent, and more recently I began thinking about and planning my shulker grinder and business within 30 minutes of the 1.11 announcement (I was watching the stream on a delay). I knew from the start how overpowered it would end up being, and the potential impact on the server’s economy (which I thought was already broken for other reasons). I’m certainly willing to debate the points I’ve made in this post, and I’m not opposed to changing my mind on many of them if you’re able to convince me.

    Inflation of diamonds (and all other mineral wealth)
    For a long time I was a solo player. The things I loved (and still love) most about minecraft are mining, exploring, and any kind of mob farming, and I was completely content to do those things without any help from a basemate. I wasn’t active in chat for the few months I played in 1.8, and in the beginning of 1.9 I only remember using chat to make crucial trades (mainly buying mending books from adam, to be honest). I distinctly remember going on a 10+ hour mining spree sometime back in April, making several trips back home to dump off what I had collected (long mining sessions were something I did very regularly around the time). My memory is hazy, but I very distinctly remember a player bragging about the loads of diamonds he made farming potatoes all day while being mostly afk. He had made several times more than me by simply planting crops and exchanging them for emeralds then for diamonds. This was when crop farming was even more overpowered than it is now (I still feel an emerald to diamond conversion will be overpowered regardless of the actual ratio). I would love for someone to rationalize to me: (a) why in a game where the universal currency (diamonds) is already naturally inflated by enchantments like mending and fortune there is ANY reason to add diamonds to the game outside of what’s mined from the ground, and (b) why it’s possible that someone is able to skillessly gain more wealth farming than I’m able to by mining (which I believe I’m the best at on the server, both in ores/time and also in terms of bulk amounts of ore collected in the server's history). As far as I’m concerned, the damage has already been done by needlessly adding stupid amounts of diamonds to the economy, and even a complete removal of the diamond to emerald trade will do nothing to fix the current broken system. Over the last few days even I’ve had players say that they feel like the stacks of diamond blocks they have are worthless, or that they’re practically playing in creative mode (the building materials market has not responded to the inflated diamond market, so it is too easy to acquire large amounts of building materials in bulk for minimal diamonds). I will not name-drop anyone for fear of misrepresenting them, but it’s safe to say I’m not the only player that thinks there are way too many diamonds on the server. After that day back in April I decided to quit CraftyMynes forever, and I would have have quit on April 26 if Adam had not offered to let me live with him (and really introduce me for the first time to the wonderful community). Since then I’ve done my best to give back to the community in every way I can, and I think I’ve done a decent job, but what’s been troubling me for the last few months is this: I would not have stayed on this server if it wasn’t for the foothold I got in the community, so, if I joined the server for the first time today, I would not last more than a month because of the state of the economy. Period. I’m begging you guys, please devote some time to balancing the economy; I don’t want to think about how many potential players like me we’ve lost or will lose unless something is done. I’ve been scared to bring this up in the past, and wouldn’t have brought it up now if it wasn’t for the current situation surrounding spawn eggs.

    Problems with vanilla Minecraft economy
    There are several problems with trying to balance the economy for a game like Minecraft. In other video games centered around multiplayer, developers are able to add late-game items that take months if not years to obtain from when you first start out. In Minecraft, however, the game has and always will be balanced around single player, as it makes no sense to exclude players in single player worlds from obtaining late-game items. If the price of an item on the Minecraft market is too high, a player always has the option to go exploring to obtain the item themselves within a reasonable amount of time (<5 hours for even the most exclusive items like elytra or totems of undying). I personally believe that for a healthy market in vanilla Minecraft, many players would each have to specialize in selling different items (not super relevant, but in 1.8 after gathering basic diamond tools I wanted to make my entire living off of selling wither skulls and using the profits to buy other items, just as a fun challenge for myself). For instance, some players might focus almost exclusively on elytra/dragon heads/shulker boxes exploring the end, others would focus on having a book shop using librarians. Some would sell massive quantities of building blocks, and others might focus on selling wither heads and beacons like I planned to in 1.8. Finally, all players (but especially a small few) would build a natural currency by mining diamonds, gold, iron, and other minerals that everyone needs. While I understand this will never be possible like I want it (since one person can more or less dabble in all of these areas), I believe that with the current states of both Minecraft and CraftyMynes point to the immediate future (next 3-5 months) as the most opportune time to reset the server and permanently fix the player-based economy. Obviously shulker boxes would have a legitimate economic value, and I’ll argue that book shops will be fixes as well in the next section.

    zombie spawner changes
    For players that are not aware, the 1.11 changes to zombie spawners is that zombie villagers (zillagers) will no longer spawn from naturally occurring zombie spawners. Since CraftyMynes has mobgriefing turned off, we can’t breed villagers using food, so the most practical way to obtain villagers (especially librarians for book shops and making god armor/tools) was to filter out zillagers from zombie spawner and convert them to normal villagers. It’s not hard to do if you find a spawner, and many players have gathered dozens of librarians this way, and even found optimized ones that sell overpowered enchantments (mending, looting III, fortune III, etc.) for at or close to the minimum price of 10 emeralds. While I absolutely support these types of shops, the higher barrier to entry that these shops will now have in 1.11 (it will be harder, but not impossible to gather large amounts of villagers) I believe is strictly better for the economy of the CraftyMynes server. It will force players/teams that want to get into the book shop business to put in massive amounts of time to set up shop, and then they will reap the well-deserved rewards selling their rarer and more highly valued items. As an aside, it’s enchantments like fortune and mending that help break the economy in the first place, but there’s not much we can do about that other than increase the rarity and value of such enchantments. Therefore (and I would love to hear counterarguments), I believe that the change to zombie spawners in 1.11 is the single biggest economy-fixing change that has ever happened to CraftyMynes (assuming mobgriefing remains off). I hope we are able to take full advantage of it with a reset rather than leaving players with stockpiled enchanted books/gear or librarians a permanent advantage in the future of the server.

    spawn eggs debate
    Even though at this time it appears Crafty has changed his mind and allowed for spawners to continue being converted, I absolutely disagree with this decision in the long run (although I do understand why it was made). Obviously shulker spawners are blatantly overpowered, but I do not believe this is the only one. Using spawners, players are currently able to grind sheep, squids, and even bunnies to get wool, inc sacs, and rabbit’s feet. All of these items normally require large amounts of effort to acquire in bulk, either setting up large farms or spending hours hunting down the mobs (I spend several hours collecting 16.5 stacks of inc sacs last week). In addition, there will always be the threat of another disaster like the shulkers: it will always be possible that future updates will cause otherwise harmless spawn eggs to become ridiculously valuable. Who knows, maybe bats or endermites will eventually be given drops, or any other mob might be given a rare drop (like zombies sometimes dropping iron ingots, or bunnies sometimes dropping a rabbit’s foot). Therefore, in my mind the only way to guarantee that spawners are future-proof looking months/years in the future is either to stop offering spawn eggs (or spawner conversions) immediately, or in the case of a reset never offer them at all. This is why I currently disagree with Crafty’s decision to change his mind on the topic of spawn eggs: in a perfect world we could revert all spawners to their original states, but people paid real money for those spawn eggs and I don’t think it’s reasonable to ask them to give those up. Therefore the next best thing is to stop offering spawner conversions altogether as a form of damage control.

    Player/Staff Heads
    First I want to say that player heads are one of the only markets on this server with (in my opinion) a healthy economy. Not only does it offer some incentive to engage in pvp (which I personally don’t care about, but I want CraftyMynes to appeal to a wide range of players), but it also effectively adds a new economy to Minecraft where not every player is capable of gathering an item given enough time. Rare player heads are some of the only truly exclusive items in the game (along with the dragon’s egg, totems of undying, Notch apples, etc.) and I think the current system is near perfect. However, I am extremely disappointed with how imbalanced some of the markets selling admin heads is. In particular, I remember the time Miz got 1 kill on Baron in jail resulting in a dropped head. In the current economy, it could possibly sell for around 1000 diamond blocks. Don’t get me wrong, if I had the same opportunity I’d also take it, but I don’t think anyone should be able to earn hundreds of diamond blocks without considerable effort put in (this is an idea that ties this entire post together). Not to mention the fact that veteran players are considerably more likely to acquire admin heads than new players, so at best it’s not even a random lottery to make one player rich. I would be in favor of removing head drops for upper staff members (perhaps mod 2 and up). A possible problem with this idea is that when a player is promoted so that their head stops dropping, their head might skyrocket in value since there are now a definite number of them on the server. I tie this up nicely in the next section.

    vip+/server bill alternatives
    I understand fully aware that vip+ and server bill are needed to keep the server running. Many players only donate to get the spawn eggs in craftycrates (that’s the only item in the crate non-vip+’s ever ask about), so my argument against spawn eggs logically leads to a decline of donations. As a solution, I propose that each craftycrate includes at least 1 admin head. I believe there has been no better suggestion put forth by staff or the community to sell craftycrates other than using spawn eggs in some sense, and coupled with my idea to stop admin heads from dropping naturally is an adequate solution to the problem. These heads will still carry significant value, but it won't be gamebreaking in the thousands of diamond blocks. I'd love to see a survey of players and whether they'd continue or start to donate knowing craftycrates would have admin heads and not spawn eggs.

    A reset of the server would/could:

    • fix the shulker box economy permanently
    • balance villager based book and god-gear based economy by increasing the barrier to entry.
    • fix the insanely inflated mineral wealth that currently exists and is apparent for upper-middle to high class players on this server (my personal biggest concern that I’ve held for nearly 7 months)

    Also my suggestions concerning craftycrates could:

    • ensure nothing like the current shulker box economy could ever occur again
    • fix the (in my opinion) highly volatile economy centered around some rare staff heads
    • practically guarantee a future-proof economy looking months or even years down the road, if combined with a server reset

    I understand the gravity of what me asking for a reset means both for senior staff setting up a new world and for players on the server being stripped of their bases and wealth. I hope the length of this post and the thought I’ve put into it can convince staff and players alike that I’ve put in a sufficient amount of thought to be qualified to make such a suggestion.

  2. Don't misunderstand me, I would lose a significant amount of wealth too with a server reset. I've put in countless hours working on my massive underground base, and even more hours mining and obtaining wealth. Even just iron, I've mined over 65,700 ore on this server (just over 114 stacks of iron blocks). I don't currently have that much, but I still have well over a dub of iron blocks. I'm not "bored with my current base" and asking for a reset so that it would benefit me, I'm arguing that it's necessary for the server economy to be able to progress in any workable form looking far ahead. I honestly believe that, if done right, this reset would future-proof the server and prevent a reset in 5-6 months as the situation only gets worse

  3. This idea would be based on a few assumptions because I dont fully understand what tools Crafty is able to utilize:

    - Setting the "buyout day limit" whether its 20, 30, 40 diamond blocks etc, im sure theres a statistical average of how many diamonds casual / regular / hardcore players on the server have That Crafty can see. Based on that, set the limit so that it would rule most inactive / casual players out as they probably wouldnt have this "set amount" to begin with, and even were they over that limit a little bit, it wouldnt have much of an effect on the economy going forward. Just to clarify this would just be a one time thing for the purposes of the economic reset, there wouldnt be an imposed "diamond limit" after the buyout you can amass however many you want, but theyd only be available through mining / exploration / trade with other players.

    -It may require a conversion "period" where people are paid out over time instead of all at once.

    -Every player has sethome data. Players hiding or lying about the actual amount of diamonds they really have wouldnt be possible. Inventories can be cleared and any chests near their sethome can be found and sorted through by admins. How do you think admins already go about getting rid of illegally obtained diamonds of xrayers? It would be the exact same process. Players only options would be to hide their diamonds in a chest far and away somewhere, but even then, I know that crafty has the means to literally trace the steps of every single player on the server. Even in the incredibly unlikely event someone managed to succeed in hiding their wealth somehow, the richest players on the server would be willing to comply and these "stubborn few" wouldnt have that much wealth to disturb the new economy anyway. In the event that they did however, during this "conversion period" the amount of diamonds people have could be closely monitered somehow im sure. It would be a little like imposing martial law for a little while... but a radical and intrusive conversion is really the only feasible option.

    - I dont know how easy exactly it would be to payout each player, but im sure once you rule out everyone under the then set "diamond block limit", and the actual number of active players, it wouldnt be a horribly high number of players.

    Also this would in no way whatsoever effect the value of emeralds , this seems to be something that people arent understanding. Emeralds are stupid easy to get in vanilla minecraft. See below.


    these are the villager trades available to all players in a vanilla setting. As you can see 8 pumpkins for 1 emerald exists, this isnt unique to the trader at spawn. its also possible to get AN EVEN BETTER RATE for crops than whats available at the trading post. I have a villager in my base that gives me an emerald for 15 carrots. Emeralds are "next to worthless" by design. Thats literally the nature of emeralds in Vanilla.

    The players who have excessive amounts of diamonds right now traded ridiculous amounts of emeralds acquired by farming the old fashioned vanilla way. If we reset the map right now, someone could go find a village on the new map, startup a pumpkin farm and have a double chest of emerald blocks in a week.

    Its actually Harder here on Craftymynes. In a normal vanilla setting, villagers are stupid easy to breed with mob griefing on. Access to emeralds through farming trades are even more readily available.

    The people who would get the most emeralds from the payout, would literally already have that many emeralds in a strictly vanilla setting to begin with. They would actually most likely have more.

  4. I agree 100% with iDogeTwinkie, Dannysharks, and sknup. There must be some other way to fix the economy than destroying these builds that people have spent hours on. As much as I love this server, I've been wondering if I would be able to keep going after a reset, just knowing that whatever progress I make could be wiped out at any time. A server reset should only be done if it is absolutely 200% necessary.

    For me, it's not about the wealth--I mean, I only have one diamond block to my name. It's about the builds:



    I'm sure there are many of these sorts of detailed builds on the server--I mean, take a look at sknup's screenshots, for Pete's sake! We should think extremely carefully before wiping out these builds and ruining this artwork, which has taken hours upon hours to make.

    If we remove the possibility of furthering the messed-up economy (e.g. removing the jeweler, not giving out spawn eggs anymore, etc.) and implement new ideas, isn't it possible that the economy will gradually right itself again as people continue to pay out what they've saved up?

    I just don't see the need to destroy builds to fix the economy. Maybe a more gradual fix is in order as opposed to just deleting everything.

    I also agree that a server-wide, not forum-wide, poll is in order, and it should run for at least a week in order to give everyone a chance to take it. Imagine coming back after a few days' absence to find your entire base gone, and everyone knew about it except you! D:

  5. Ok, so here we go.

    First and foremost I have no read much of anyone's post, and nor do I care too. People have their opinion and it isn't my place to argue with it. However, I would like to throw my 2 cents into this deep, winding hole that is a reset.

    I think there should not be a reset. Not only for the hours upon hours of work and time I've poured into my base, but also for the admins and them going through that same position but 10x worse for a new spawn, redoing of the command system and much more. All while undoubtedly being pressured by the community to do so. They'd have to do a new casino, spawn, parkour, RTP, VIP room, Donator room and much MUCH more. As for the newer players, their bases and items will be deleted while perhaps just being built. It also won't fix the economy. There will always be emerald overflow even without the villagers at spawn. This is due to farmers and their trades. As for diamonds, they won't be as abundant, worth more, but is that better? I think not. For people that find ways to make hundreds of diamonds, they'll be insanely rich. Being able to buy anything and everything from those who aren't rich. These things need to be concidered. This is just my opinion, take it however you like.

  6. I don't think the world should be reset until there is a major update that requires it. When the update occurs, then we should implement cepheid's suggestions. Until then, I suggest we keep the server intact because players tend to leave after a reset. A reset makes players lose everything that they've poured hours upon hours into making and building, so then they're like "welp, might as well go try a new survival server now," because they have nothing to lose. This especially applies to the silent majority of players who enjoy playing on CraftyMynes without being an active part of the community.