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An Important Announcement...

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by CraftyMyner

    Greetings Myners,

    As all of you are aware our server has not had the best uptime recently along with patches of lag and with downtime going into days; we believe like you that this is not acceptable. We have voiced our concerns and our network provider has listened... But there is a catch.

    Currently we are hosting in NYC on the other side of the country to the guy who owns our hardware. Therefore, this is going to change with the server box moving from NYC to LA. This means that our technical support will be a few mins away by car instead of forcing him onto a plane to go address any issues that arise. This will improve our server performance and eliminate a majority of our downtime problems from days to minutes or hours.

    Now unfortunately we don't have much say in this nor do we control the time frame they have given us. To be exact, 5 days from this post he will be removing the hardware from its current location and moving it, including all back up servers.

    I can already hear a lot of you asking "What does this mean for CraftyMynes?" It means in the interim we will be switching hosts to OVH. "Well okay then but what does this mean for the map?" this is where things get tricky.

    For a while now and I mean a good 6 months, the Administration team has tried to come up with ideas to stabilize the economy. The Casino was a last resort which didn't go as we intended it to for a variety of reasons. Staff wear a lot of the blame for the current state of the economy, but to an extent so do players. We have learnt a lot about creating new and exciting things for players to do and use. Probably the most important thing we learned is that, no matter how much we try to prevent it, people are going to find ways to exploit the things we create. "But we as players aren't responsible if we can do x or y using something that you guys created" to an extent we agree. However if you find a fault or exploit in something we create, we would ask that you report it before it gets out of control and we need to take action.

    What does this all mean though!? This means that the issue with our service provider has forced our hand into a reset. In 5 days time we will be relaunching CraftyMynes hosted by OVH with a new seed. Spawn will remain relatively the same however there will be a few changes. Once our new hardware is up and running (sometime in late January) the map will be transferred to it, the downtime will hopefully be minimal and won't impact too many players.

    Going forward these will be the changes to the way the server operates:

    1) Custom villagers will be removed all together. All villagers in spawn will be generic villagers, there will be no librarians or map makers.

    2) The November Crafty Crate will be reissued to those who have already bought it this month.

    3) Admins will no longer be changing spawners with eggs, this allows us to give out villager eggs etc in the future in crates making them more appealing.

    4) The Casino will be out of order until further notice.

    5) CraftyCoins will no longer be issued for voting until further notice.

    6) There will be an option for those who are interested in obtaining your base for purchase.

    7) A new system for settable warps will be implemented. This means you'll be able to set a point that you can teleport to and from at the cost of a vote.

    - Warps will also work in the nether and the end.

    - Standard players will have access to 1 settable warp at the cost of 1 vote to teleport to it.

    - VIP players have access to 2 settable warps with the first one being free to teleport to and the second warp costing 1 vote per teleport to it.

    - VIP+ players gain access to 2 settable warps and as long as you hold VIP+ both will be free to teleport to.

    - As a side note of these changes, they help to keep us compliant with the ELUA which we try to adhere to as best we can, even as they change it.

    8) The server rules are undergoing revision more information will be made available later. (Server up and running first, everything else is second priority)

    During the next 5 days, the Administrator team will be scrambling to get everything organized on the new server. This will be a testing time for us, as we have to blend spawn into the new seed along with making sure all the server functions are up and operational. We ask for your patience and understanding during this time as we are just as frustrated by this change as everyone else.

    This thread will be kept open for discussion and we will do our best to address your concerns or questions.

    - Crafty

  2. for the last time im not mad about the server reset, its the bs that gets shoved down our throats. i know you guys had no control over the reset i get i do now stfu about it i could give a shit less. as for them being model admins i nvr said they were the best admins i referenced them as players who were active when i first joined speaking of which i dont remember ever seeing you on but maybe thats a fluke of timing. back to the admins they were players who i liked thats all, and i wouldnt say any had a god complex so much as they had power and in their way they thought they did something good for the server, lone and kayla both were pushed by players who stayed right on the line of being banned but didnt cross it so yeah they fucked up but i can understand even if i dont approve. you'll notice i didnt say lesser and thats cause idk much about him or the situation around his ban. as for you, who said you had a god complex? i never said any names, feeling defensive? well maybe its bc anyone you dont like you disrespect and just generally treat like they are beneath you, and should someone say they dont like what you did then they are arguing with you and deserve nothing less than a ban. welp anyway its been fun but im off to practice my fortune telling.

  3. @Jordi223b The only thing that bothers me about this is... no CM for 6 weeks :(

    Thats not whats happening. We lose our current server for 6 weeks, to avoid downtime, I am resetting. That way there is only a few hours of downtime.

  4. @MrStupendous Ok, So no playing with on the server for six months? not even a temp server or do we need a link for the temp server?

    No, No, No. Forget about everything, they are just details that will confuse you. All you need to know is that monday, the server will go down for a few hours while we transfer the ip to the new server, when it comes back up, the map will be fresh and will be the new craftymynes map.

  5. @_Confederacy_ Crafty do you know the exact time the server will be going down?

    As of right now the server will go down at Sunday night 10pm PST and the new server will come back Monday Morning at 12am PST, 2 hours later.

  6. Good, good. I'm kinda glad we don't have to wait that long. Just a couple of hours at the most.

  7. Im working.. it's 8am here, wont be able to login for 8 more hours! :(