1. 8 years ago

    A way to Transfer votes between players, I don't know how hard this would be to make, but i know i have a hard time keeping votes in my balance even with 4 votes a day. I would definitely be willing to trade for another players votes.

  2. Edited 8 years ago by _Haxington_

    How about we just rename votes to something else?

    It could be like a currency

  3. Thats what CraftyCoins were suppose to be. However, it's much easier to use a scoreboard value rather then a physical item to pay for things. I might change the naming ingame and for the AI to Credits. I could make a way to transfer votes, I'm not sure how many people would want it though.

  4. I would like it. So I can transfer them to other people if I can't use my votes or other stuff.

  5. I feel as you are thinking it may be more work then its worth, i just saw some people don't use there's and i want more lol

  6. Especially if you have an alt. You can transfer votes.

  7. Well, in my opinion, votes shouldn't be able to transfer, because it is in you to keep them up + it helps the server

  8. I understand what your saying, but think of it this way it kind of gives more incentive to vote because you can trade the votes to another player for whatever they value it at.

  9. Edited 8 years ago by MisterReco

    @OmegaSniper4eva I understand what your saying, but think of it this way it kind of gives more incentive to vote because you can trade the votes to another player for whatever they value it at.

    But we have a limited amount of votes and making them not tradeable would make the people who use them, vote and if the people who don't use it still votes, that equals more votes for the server

  10. Edited 8 years ago by _Haxington_

    No, either way the server gets the same amount of votes if not more.

    I think this idea is worth a shot.

  11. @Jordi223b But we have a limited amount of votes and making them not tradeable would make the people who use them, vote and if the people who don't use it still votes, that equals more votes for the server

    I'm not calling you wrong i just don't understand your argument.

  12. @OmegaSniper4eva I'm not calling you wrong i just don't understand your argument.

    If votes where tradeable, then you could not vote and get those votes from other people, but if they are not tradeable, then you'd also vote

  13. Edited 8 years ago by r4iscool1

    Jordi does have a valid concern, if votes were made to be transferrable we could very well lose the votes of players who are lazy and just buy them. (If they were not both would likely vote)
    The problem with votes is they can be hard to accumulate, at the same time they shouldn't be allowed to come anywhere as near as common as crafty coins where.

    I think it's an interesting idea but it needs some consideration.

  14. Maybe something as simple as putting a limit on transfers or something like that so like player can only be transfered x amount of votes in y amount of time.

    This stops people from getting large amounts of votes quickly they could only get so many in a week

    In all honesty i really have no idea but its just a thiight don't kill me :)

  15. @CraftyMyner How are votes transferred from the voting website to the server? If we could re-route votes on the site to a specific account then that could work. It would eliminate the trading of votes for lazy players and still allow my alt to save up some votes for me.

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