Nametagged Zombie Villagers despawning

  1. 8 years ago

    Lately Ive had the following thing happen 4 times, A nametagged zombie villager(s) have been de-spawning at restarts (and when leaving the area).

    Steps to reproduce:

    • Nametag a villager
    • Have a zombie infect him (after infected he will still have the original nametag)
    • (optional): kill the zombie that infected him
    • Leave the area or wait for server restart.

    Possible causes / resolutions:

    - Name the villager AFTER hes become a zombie (however dont know what will happen if hes cured and then turned into a zombie again)

    @CraftyMyner Can u please take a look into this please good sir?

  2. Edited 8 years ago by TheBlizWiz

    I've seen this before. Yes, you would have to nametag after the transformation. Say hello to 1.11.2's short patch time. That's how that happened. @BloxForDayz

  3. great... lol, I knew it was a bug of some sort... Sucks

  4. @BloxForDayz
    This is apparently not limited to zombie villagers but other named hostile mobs also despawn.
    Upvote this bug report to get it fixed!

  5. sorry it took me some time to recreate the issue, id never dealt with it before, but it seems it was already answered by someone who has.

    Goodjob guys :)

  6. This is why I love CraftyMynes. The community actually cares about the game, and players care about each other. (Except for the trolls.)

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