And the winner is...

  1. 8 years ago


    There will be another art competition starting in February and lasting till the end of March. (Figured I'd give more time) the subject for that one will be announced on February 1st 2017.

  2. -image-

    I honestly didn't think I'd win I was crossing my fingers along with everyone els Lol made me nervous everyones art was so goood I love seeing others art on here this made my day thank you sov bruh gl to everyone els in the next art comp I'll be rooting for u guys <3

  3. @Pimpcy I'll be online in about 8 hours (4:00 pm central time) to give you your prize, congrats on the win.

    In the mean time I need some ideas for the next competition. Every suggestion helps!

  4. Called it! Congrats Pimpcy it was a well earned reward ^_^

  5. Edited 8 years ago by BenjoBanjo7

    @SovietSuperman_ how about a music one?
    p.s. I am so sorry I bumped an old thread!

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