Actual Riddles [Answers]

  1. 8 years ago

    Come here to check answers for the riddles!
    My first riddle. You first take the wolf and then the llama on the other side of the river you drop the llama there and pick the wolf back up. Drop the wolf on the other side of the river and pick up the sheep. Put the sheep over with the llama. Then bring the wolf back over.

  2. Or just put the wolf in a cage :P

  3. @GrinningBobcat Here's a famous one

    Shown above are four men buried up to their necks in the ground. They cannot move, so they can only look forward. Between A and B is a brick wall which cannot be seen through.
    They all know that between them they are wearing four hats--two black and two white--but they do not know what color they are wearing. Each of them know where the other three men are buried.
    In order to avoid being shot, one of them must call out to the executioner the color of their hat. If they get it wrong, everyone will be shot. They are not allowed to talk to each other and have 10 minutes to fathom it out.
    After one minute, one of them calls out.

    Question: Which one of them calls out? Why is he 100% certain of the color of his hat?
    This is not a trick question. There are no outside influences nor other ways of communicating. They cannot move and are buried in a straight line; A & B can only see their respective sides of the wall, C can see B, and D can see B & C.

    C calls out. He knows that if D could see two hats of the same colour he would have already called out that his hat is the other colour. Because D hasn't called out yet C knows that he and B have different colour hats. So he knows his own hat colour.

  4. Good job

  5. Edited 8 years ago by Aquafyna

    Take wolf to other side, then take the llama, and then bring the wolf along with you, take the sheep, and come back for the wolf.

    EDIT: You already answered it '-' You didn't give us a chance to answer it ourselves -.-

  6. you come here to see if your awnser is correct and you xomparte my anwser to the awner in your head

  7. Gum

  8. Accidentally posted the hat solution in the other but took it down once I saw that I was silly XD

  9. Edited 8 years ago by GrinningBobcat

    Answer of the new riddle is silence.

    @rnc2011 Accidentally posted the hat solution in the other but took it down once I saw that I was silly XD

    lol did you look it up or use logic? no shame in either tbh I looked up the riddle just because I had forgotten half of it

  10. I actually surprised myself and somehow got it without looking it up XD

  11. Answer: Eye

  12. forgot to post the awnser to my logic question, you point the sign that said it goes to the town you came from and then everything else should be correct

  13. Edited 8 years ago by GrinningBobcat


    Translated riddle:
    Over fire and over stone,

    Over water and over bone,

    Shining out like jewels of light,

    On a sheet of purest night.

    Answer to riddle: the stars

    translated answer into Dovahzul: Fil

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