Remember this guy from Avatar?
Now it's real!
Remember this guy from Avatar?
Now it's real!
wow. now make one in minecraft. slime blocks for the win
I mean we also made the first pig humam embryo chimera so congratz we've made something that many will call immoral .-. Still both cool Halo suits are one step closer
Some Japanese also invented a pretty simple exosuit that can predict human movements
This is a huge step, because we could wear exosuits that weight alot without suffering, bc the suit would predict out movements, thus following us
@Jordi223b Some Japanese also invented a pretty simple exosuit that can predict human movements
This is a huge step, because we could wear exosuits that weight alot without suffering, bc the suit would predict out movements, thus following us
What if it is incorrect on the prediction? Does it spazz?
There haven't been tests ON the testers, for safety, they've been a few feet from them