Dynamic Surroundings Mod

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by Chilled_Chaos

    Hello again! This time I would like to suggest a similar mod called '"The Dynamic Surroundings Mod" This mod is a bit bigger and adds more stuff into Minecraft. Again, this mod does not add any physical changes to Minecraft. I might not be able to explain everything this mod has to offer, because of it's size. Now, first, this mod adds different rain levels and a way better, more realistic, and most importantly, not annoying rain sound. Basically how it works is that whenever it rains, it chooses a random number, and depending on that number, it can either be light rain, normal or heavy rain. Secondly, It adds biome sounds. For example, if you are going through any forest like biome, it adds birds chirping. If you are near an ocean, it adds waves. That kind of stuff. I find that to be really cool. If you are in a swamp, it makes the fog level rise a lot and adds some cricket noises, as well as at night. If there is a storm, and you happen to be in a desert at that time, then it just adds tons of particals flying through the air and adds air sounds and also makes it really hard to see. This feature is called a sandstorm. But you guys say that anything that gives you an unfair advantage over players is not allowed. I guess this doesn't give you any advantage. It also adds just different stepping block sounds you don't need to worry about. It also adds fire jets and ocean bubblejets in water or lava. To be honest, instead of me having to explain all of this, just watch the showcase:
    And here is the forum page that the actuall creator of the mod made, including all of the features of the mod: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/dynamic-surroundings


  2. This mod adds stuff to minecraft that aren't completely vanilla, therefore I highly doubt Crafty will go through with this. If he did install the mod wouldn't every player have to install it as well to have the game work properly?

    If you want better graphics there are vanilla ways to do that, they're called shaders.

  3. Edited 8 years ago by Chilled_Chaos

    @_Confederacy_ This mod adds stuff to minecraft that aren't completely vanilla, therefore I highly doubt Crafty will go through with this. If he did install the mod wouldn't every player have to install it as well to have the game work properly?

    If you want better graphics there are vanilla ways to do that, they're called shaders.

    No If this mod gets approved, then every player doesn't have to install it, it's just too see If I can use it. And no. I don't want this mod for it's looks. I want it for it's sound.

  4. I don't see any issue with this mod, seems pretty harmless like shaders but I would wait for a admin or crafty to approve.

  5. Ok :)

  6. Edited 8 years ago by Chilled_Chaos

    My only concern with this mod is that it shows up numbers on the screen when you attack something showing you how much damage is being dealt but It doesn't like show their health bar or anything. I'm not sure if that makes a big difference but I really hope it doesn't. Fingers crossed.

  7. ^that makes it a no I think unfortunately

  8. @Chilled__Chaos My only concern with this mod is that it shows up numbers on the screen when you attack something showing you how much damage is being dealt but It doesn't like show their health bar or anything. I'm not sure if that makes a big difference but I really hope it doesn't. Fingers crossed.

    @TheMightyDrex ^that makes it a no I think unfortunately

    It shows damage not health. One can easy calculate damage and relatively speaking one can gage the damage that can be dealt to people in different armors even if mix matched.

  9. Deleted 7 years ago by Chilled_Chaos
  10. @GrinningBobcat It shows damage not health. One can easy calculate damage and relatively speaking one can gage the damage that can be dealt to people in different armors even if mix matched.

    So are you saying it's good or bad?

  11. Deleted 7 years ago by Chilled_Chaos
  12. @Chilled__Chaos Actually, I'll be patient and wait till it get's reviewed. :D

    @Chilled__Chaos So are you saying it's good or bad?

    I'm saying that it's not really a game changing mechanic to have. What advantage do you have from knowing the damage you do? You can figure that out in your head if want to know that badly but it doesn't really give a pvp advantage unless you can also see the damage dealt to you which then would ruin this argument.

    I'd wait for the review too

  13. *cough cough bump coug cough*

  14. Admins/Crafty will respond when they have free time. Trust that we've read it, just be patient.

  15. Sorry I've been known to be a little impatient sometimes ('^_^)

  16. This mod is amazing... This and the better sound mod (Not sure what it's called)
    They should both be added to vanilla Minecraft!

  17. @_Haxington_ This mod is amazing... This and the better sound mod (Not sure what it's called)
    They should both be added to vanilla Minecraft!

    agreed fam. Agreed. -image-

  18. Edited 8 years ago by Chilled_Chaos

    That's why I suggested It. ;)

  19. Woah woah woah. Wait a second. If Forge, isn't allowed then, how the hell are we supposed to use mods!?

  20. @Chilled_Chaos Woah woah woah. Wait a second. If Forge, isn't allowed then, how the hell are we supposed to use mods!?

    You can use most mods without forge....

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