The Box Challenge

  1. 8 years ago

    Ok Im setting up this challenge because i think it will be fun. This challenge requires fore-thinking and planning. The challenge is to create the most multi-functional space you can in a 3x3x3 space you can use all the blocks and items at your disposal but any block connected to or attached to and block outside the 3x3x3 space is disqualified (it can touch the floor) just post a screenshot of each side and i will announce the winner on the 3rd of April. There will be a Prize (a Custom Enchanted Diamond Object of your choice).
    On your marks...
    Get set...

  2. @thegoldsmith Ok Im setting up this challenge because i think it will be fun. This challenge requires fore-thinking and planning. The challenge is to create the most multi-functional space you can in a 3x3x3 space you can use all the blocks and items at your disposal but any block connected to or attached to and block outside the 3x3x3 space is disqualified (it can touch the floor) just post a screenshot of each side and i will announce the winner on the 3rd of April. There will be a Prize (a Custom Enchanted Diamond Object of your choice).
    On your marks...
    Get set...

    can we do this in singleplayer or on CraftyMynes only?

  3. What function is this volume of space supposed to do? Just general survival, as in a mini base?


    @thegoldsmith ...but any block connected to or attached to and block outside the 3x3x3 space is disqualified (it can touch the floor)

    What does this mean? Can you elaborate?

  4. @Retrochewy can we do this in singleplayer or on CraftyMynes only?

    Craftymynes only

  5. @Valgys What function is this volume of space supposed to do? Just general survival, as in a mini base?


    What does this mean? Can you elaborate?

    fun and i want to see what people will come up with mini bases will be able to be submissable but i'm primarily looking for inventiveness and function

    you cant have something like a fence connecting to an adjacent block or redstone dust connecting to something outside the zone

  6. Only a few days left all entries after the date will not be judged to make your entry known soon!!

  7. Hmm might give it a shot

  8. Sounds cool

  9. Edited 8 years ago by thegoldsmith

    3 Days left. The Box Titan is yet to be appeased!!!!! (remember the prize)

  10. I might give it a shot tonight.

    But just to clarify making a 3x3x3 multi purpose cube thing

  11. Edited 8 years ago by thegoldsmith

    @jamlbon I might give it a shot tonight.

    But just to clarify making a 3x3x3 multi purpose cube thing

    yep just make a build in that space and take pics and tell that it does

  12. 7 years ago

    Judging is Tomorrow if no one enters no one gets the prize

  13. -image-
    Really shabby thing. Beacon has speed effect

  14. @GoofyGuy12 -image-
    Really shabby thing. Beacon has speed effect

    @Retrochewy can we do this in singleplayer or on CraftyMynes only?

    @thegoldsmith Craftymynes only

  15. Edited 7 years ago by thegoldsmith

    @Dennari43 is right but if you rebuild it in craftymynes then it is submissible @GoofyGuy12

  16. Last day of the competition if there are no valid entry's by the time i judge (~10 pm GMT) then the prize god tool will not be given to anyone

  17. one entry that @jamlbon pm'd me

    @jamlbon Ina PM bc I'm a nerd ;P

    But any way here's my entry pics arent the best so heres a super fun explanation about it ;P

    OKay so as promised the explanation.

    Bottom section:

    • 3 furnaces for smelting/cooking
    • 2 crafting benches for crafting/symmetry
    • E.chest cos e.chests are useful
    • lava doubles as a light source and a way of killing junk items
    • 2 droppers doubles as additional storage and the way of accessing the lava

    Mid section:

    • 4 flowers in pots so it looks nice ;P
    • 2 buttons to power the droppers
    • chest cos storage
    • shulker box cos portable storage
    • anvil cos repairing/renaming and such

    top section:

    • 8 dirt multi purpose farmland
    • water to hydrate farmland

    So yeah that's my thing

    EDIT: ooh actually within like a minute of posting this i'd actually have the flowers and brewing stands but i'm too lazy/dont have time to get back on and build it again so my word will have to do :)

    im taking on jamlbon's word because helper and no other entries

  18. Last call any last minute entries make them now @everyone

  19. -image-
    Cactus is for trash and auto farm
    chest is under glowstone(Glowstone isnt solid so chest opens)
    The block 2 blocks under the ench table is a jukebox to listen to ur fav tunes
    The dirt has wheat growing on it

  20. sorry about the delay the winner is @Retrochewy !!!! well done just post here what you want on your enchanted diamond tool

  21. Newer ›

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