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VIP/VIP+ Trade Event back up! (Event over)

  1. 7 years ago

    After today I think I'm going to drop the gold trade. I have enough gold blocks to last me for 10 years it feels like lol.

  2. @Sirchristopher10 is 1,000 blks of obby enough?
    for 1/4 server bill?
    0.05*1000= $50.00?
    if that is enoughi wish to purchase 1/4 server bill @Valgys
    i will be on most of the day

    Thant is enough for 1/4 bill, and I shall see you online today!

    @Retrochewy 38 slime blocks ready for VIP+!!! 38 x 0.40 = $15.20
    Ill be on 6:00AM to 7:00AM tomorrow and 3:00PM to 5:00PM for Monday thru Friday
    I do perfer getting VIP+ during the month of May but if you don't have time then I'd gladly take April VIP+
    Thanks to Wrufus for supplying the slime blocks by building a bouncy house in RTP and thanks to someone else (Rigmor I think) for letting me tp to share the slime block loot!

    Sorry VIP+ only during this period, but I'll keep an eye out for you this weekend for the trade if you still want to get a rank upgrade for this month.

  3. @ExoticButterz_ 64 slimeballs + 17db ready! I'll be online in a few

    Sorry but I'm trading for slime blocks not slime balls :-/

    Also, my internet just got cut temporarily as I have some work being done at my house. I'm not sure when I'll be back up but it'll be later today for sure.

  4. @ExoticButterz_ Would it be possible to keep the trades open until Wedsnday or thursday to be safe? That would be very convient for me

    No, after this weekend I'm anticipating my already limited time on CM is going to drop sharply and continue through the summer. The times I can get on after this weekend would be wildly unpredictable and wouldn't follow any real schedule.

    Plus I'm not fully understanding why you couldn't just change your name today and be done with it, rather than waiting until next Wednesday. Don't have to answer that but it's just got me really curious.

  5. @Valgys Thant is enough for 1/4 bill, and I shall see you online today!

    Sorry VIP+ only during this period, but I'll keep an eye out for you this weekend for the trade if you still want to get a rank upgrade for this month.

    I'll take April if I have to, but May would make me happier ^-^
    Also does the craftycrate you get belong to the month you get VIP+ or the month you collect the craftycrate cuz I heard the April craftycrate is shitty

  6. My apologies to those who were hoping to trade today or yesterday - my wifi has been out and I totally forgot it was Easter today so I've had no time today either.

    Unfortunately I'm going to have to leave some of you without again for this event as well, but my time has run out for having spare time to be on CM at least for a few months.

    I'll get on from time to time but for the summer at least I'm going to be more scarce than I already am. But hope to see you all online and thanks and congrats to so many of you who was able to take advantage of this trade event.