bohhan's Ban Appeal... again!!

  1. 7 years ago


    2 Jun 2017 Suspended

    In Game Name: bohhan

    Reason for your ban: Chat violation(Language)

    Why should you be unbanned: Round 2 baby!!! First things first I said "Wus up my N-words!!!" that got me kicked. (Note I didn't say the actual N-word, but an understandable kick) Later I said "B======D" in chat. So I think I got banned for typing a penis in chat lol. Seeing how swearing is allowed in moderation I thought typing in a stupid penis wouldn't matter. Ha ha have a nice day lads.

  2. Possible pattern forming?

  3. Edited 7 years ago by Nysic

    Obvious pattern, I had just gotten done having a discussion with you in-game, not a minute before i banned you, warning you about your actions, and what would happen if you continued to break the rules.

    Seeing as a 24hour ban was not able to curve your actions, you ban will be for 48hrs, give or take. I will pardon you AFTER i get off work that day, so do not pester staff about being pardoned before then.

  4. Edited 7 years ago by Blackened_Dawn

    48 hours doesn't seem like enough of a deterrent considering your blatant disregard for our rules.

    You will be unbanned in 4 days time, I'd strongly recommend that you read the rules less we meet here again.


  5. Edited 7 years ago by Blackened_Dawn

    I don't they understand at all.

    Let's make it 7 days

  6. Let's make it permanent, shall we?


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