Jammin' Record Shop

  1. 7 years ago

    One of the more sought after items player tend to look for are music discs. But some don't want to go through the trouble to get the rarer ones from having a skeleton kill a creeper, or don't want to risk dying from doing so. I am now opening a store that sells all music discs. I also am selling jukeboxes as well, if you need one to play your disc. I am accepting payment in iron blocks, gold, diamonds, and emeralds. Inventory may sometimes be limited, so please keep this in mind

    Thanks in advance, -AttackTeam


  2. Edited 7 years ago by humfrydog

    do you accept trades?
    I have 7 #2257 C418 - cat i would trade 3 to 1 to get something else
    and 1 #2256 C418 - 13 I could trade with the 7th cat for something else
    so 8 discs for 3 . i dont have any black , red , purple/white , white or green/yellow disc
    so hopefully we can find a trade that works.

  3. Edited 7 years ago by humfrydog

    can i get a price breakdown for each disc in gold, iron, diamond and emerald?
    I may want to buy as many as 7 of these discs depending on price and my finances, lol
    i have 2256, 2257, 2259,2260, 2261, 2264 and 2267 . i need all others. starting with the black ones please.


  4. where are you getting these numbers from? can't you just say the names of the discs you need? There's Creative mode for that, if you need the names.

  5. Name ID Name Numerical ID
    13 record_13 2256
    cat record_cat 2257
    blocks record_blocks 2258
    chirp record_chirp 2259
    far record_far 2260
    mall record_mall 2261
    mellohi record_mellohi 2262
    stal record_stal 2263
    strad record_strad 2264
    ward record_ward 2265
    11 record_11 2266
    wait record_wait 2267

    So I need blocks, mellohi, stal, ward and 11

  6. I got a squid spawn egg lets trade that for the discs i want

  7. blocks, mellohi, stal, ward, and 11? I think I have all of those I can trade for that squid egg

  8. I am ready to trade when you are.

  9. Dude where are you??

  10. I got the discs elsewhere

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