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Opinions -- Grassling and More

  1. 6 years ago

    The original point that Nerdie pointed out is that Grassling's thread was not rule breaking, which is correct. Oftentimes a few threads get posted that can be aimed at staff need to be digested fully and carefully inspected to see if the contents hold true, this was the case, I chose to do it this way to make it easier on myself and the admins to read a long post without the effects of the community chipping it and making it harder for us to catch up, similar how im having difficulty to respond to all issues addressed in this thread after so much discussion happening after a few hours, which is the amount of post I expected from Grassling's thread.

    I was only going to come home until 6pm, I did not feel like ready 13 essays today but hell, happened anyway

  2. Edited 6 years ago by Grassling


    1. I believe aswell as others that Vene banned me based on an emotional bias as he connected to similar yet, not directly relatable incidents to ban me

    2. I believe Snowproper and Pimpcy said they banned or something for joking around and we not properly warned

    3. Others have come forward to state their specific incidents maybe you could give it a re-read

    Many others who have been faced with staff injustice aren't here today because they were banned and covered up by the staff. The staff silences voices that oppose it and now with a forum this big they cannot and some are scrammbling to throw out ridiculous, mostly repetive, comments, that aren't working towards any positive change.