it hard lyf m8

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by iDogeTwinkie

    Well, mine and TheShibaLoves's base has been raided by this noob called Axelthunder or someshit like that. We had it since the restart that happened about 8 months ago or something like that.

    Before you ask - no, I'm not mad or sad. I respect that he hasn't blown anything up except fucking up some blocks. I find it funny how he took every single chest he could possibly find in the base.

    This is someone's alt because I don't think he could possibly find it just out of blue.
    He also somehow managed to find my slime farm which I can still use.
    Anyhow, this puts an end to the Minecraft journey of mine. Partially, I saw it coming.

    I have a second base, but I am not good with time right now, as I will have to get redstone that this moron has taken to - of course - build farms and stuff and I really have no time for this.

    I know TheShibaLoves will be pissed about this since he's the one who has invested lots of time into building the base. I was the one who built a couple of things in there, but most of the builds were his.

    There's one thing I'm kind of sad about is that you killed my dogs. That wasn't nice. You also killed most of the villagers and I am not sure why you killed them, coulda kept them to use them if you need books.

    You also stole stacks of chicken wings I loved and that's what I don't appreciate, but fuck it. Since this is a game I am not mad because of the raid, it's not the first time. I took most of the valuable stuff with me.

    I just thought I'd make a thread to say go fuck yourself to the raider that will most likely get C4'd to shit once I find him.

    Thanks for reading a bunch of letters and words, I hope you had fun with it as I had fun writing this. :)

  2. Well that sucks

  3. Yeah it does but I'm not gonna cry for in game items that can be easily re-gathered and re-built.

    I just don't have time to do it again. Ya know, real life and stuff gets in the way. :)

  4. unrip

  5. ripun

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