Unban (Translation)

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by Brentark

    I don't know where to post this, if it's necessary, or if anyone cares but recently a german speaking player was banned by the name of, MaggiAusDaKann. I don't know them or care what happens to them. This post is just a simple translation of their post, named "Unban".

    iclutchHD you said I would be unbannned today but you didn’t do it. I just wanted to remind you, sorry.
    Lg maggie

    iclutchHD du sagtest ich wäre unbannning today but you dont do it. ich wollte dich nur erinnerrn sry
    Lg maggie

    I hope this can help staff in some way.

  2. Staff can use google translator as well :)

  3. minesy

    28 Aug 2017 Suspended

    ik i google translated it yesterday

  4. you dont even need to translate it, you have enough english words to understand most of the context

  5. @alarmgv12 you dont even need to translate it, you have enough english words to understand most of the context

    Ez strats

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