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  1. 6 years ago
    Edited 6 years ago by Valgys

    Congrats on your success and perserverance Tez!

    Assuming your joints are up for it, a multi-day backpacking trip accelerates the weight loss process.

    Carry a pack to bring your weight up to, or just past your pre-exercise weight.

    The idea is that your body is already used to moving with the weight but your muscles and joints have strengthened enough to give you the needed endurance to walk for hours at a time.

    Put in at least an honest 6 hrs of walking if you can, each day for a few days and you’ll be pleased with the results. And most importantly stay hydrated and mind your caloric intake.

    If not backpacking, you’ll be surprised how much food intake alone plays into weight loss. Even temporarily not drinking beer or coffee for a month can cut your weight by 5lbs/2.2kg. But whether that’s really living is for you to decide though lol.

  2. Gz ye landlubbers, keep yer self healthy or ye wont be able ter swim fast enough ter survive da sharks!
    Well, i have a 4 hours walk in weekends, and a 30 min walk in da mornin` and another 30 min when i come back everyday, i used to run fer 40-50 mins (I just ran as much as it was possible lol) and do a lot`o muscle exercise, now im super busy, but as soon as i get less busy i`ll start runnin` again an and da exercises.