@pand1024 If you want a good test to see if your idea will work. Open a single player world set the the render distance to 4. Quickly mockup the most basic version using /fill and /clone. If it works theres a good chance it will work on the server.
The builds I'm planning work great in single player. Good idea about testing with render distance down though.
@NutjobBob This is great way to test if there is any problems with the grinder!
You're right, the bigger the spawning area the more spawns you'll get. The problem with the idea of 'stealing' mob spawns from other players is that you'll be killing all your pigmen very quickly, but other players probably won't be killing hostile mobs around them as fast. I think this means your farm will slow down over time (not 100% sure about this).
This would actually be ideal if it works. My goal isn't to hog all the mob spawns. So if it degenerated over time that would be fine if I had an initial burst of production. I have seen mixed articles about how this would work. Some say it can consume all spawns in the world once it got running and others say it will degenerate over time and the chunks will need to be reloaded to get it going again.
I know from my guardian farm over a year ago back in 1.8, the guardians seemed to work like a physical spawner. I could let the guardians build up no matter what and it would consume the mob cap very quickly. It took it nearly 30 minutes to get started though, but it seemed to not degenerate but "regenerate" over time and become more and more efficient as long as I was in range. Dark room spawning seems to work in reverse though, but I still need to test it.
I've built one overworld dark room spawner so far and it was useless. I'm hoping to have better luck in the nether. Unfortunately, I may end up just having to use physical spawners (which I already have two of, spiders and skeletons). A nether spawner would be great for ghast tears and magma cream though.
At the section of the nether I'm in, I'm also over top of a fortress which always has a ton of mobs in it. Hoping the same it true for that entire area of chunks and building spawn pads at build limit here will keep that same rhythm.
Regarding the server render distance and redstone/mobs: Redstone contraptions keep running as long as they are within the loaded chunks.
However in minecraft there are two different types of loaded chunks; fully loaded and lazy chunks. Fully loaded chunks process everything, lazy chunks don't process entites. For CM as far as I can tell the first three chunks out from the player (including the one you're in) seem to be fully loaded, and the forth is lazy. You probably don't want the farm running into lazy chunks to avoid the need for chunk loading.
I noticed this too about the lazy chunk distance. Skeletons and zombies will be rendered but not moving and won't burn in the light til you are within range of them to move, which proves the four chunks loaded instead of five as they seem to disappear at five and don't burn til they are within three.
The iron golems should still attack the pigmen when you're further than 32 blocks away as long as they're not in lazy chunks (might want to test this - I'm not sure).
Also in case you're not aware I think there's an issue with the iron golem pigman farm. Pigmen can occasionally summon regular zombies as reinforcements, which will attack the golems. The golems will slowly die - this does take a while though.
I don't mind the golems dying over time. I like to build things and I like to keep them maintained. That's the joy of MC for me :). The farm would be more for ghast tears and magma anyway since I have trouble finding magma in normal travel. Since I'm over a fortress, I was hoping for wither skeletons to spawn as well, but not sure that is how they work. I haven't read up on the mechanics regarding how they spawn yet and what conditions have to be met. It may be as simple as building the spawn pads out of nether brick in the fortress chunks, I dunno.
I've got one pad built so far though and no spawns yet. I will build it to the render distance from a center pad and see how it goes. May be a waste of time, but I guess testing gives me some incentive. Just so I know for sure.
Thanks for the input.