Frasski's ban appeal

  1. 6 years ago


    10 Feb 2019 Suspended

    (So this is my first ban appeal there's probably going to be more of these unless I get banned from the forum aswell)

    In Game Name: Frasski (Also known as Charcoal77, LasseHD2008)

    Reason for your ban: Using a fancy text mod that is associated with a client called Aristois

    Why should you be unbanned: No reason really. I mean yes I hacked. I admit it. I wasn't being rude or anything and I really couldn't find any other PURE Vanilla servers with no plugins, has a small community and is overall humble. I've learned my lesson. I really want to play on this server I really really do. I can easily make a new alt account or use a VPN in case I get IP-Banned but a progress reset isn't that fun and I mean.. Why should you care? I'm just a hacker you know. I've shift+deleted all hacks or mods. If you don't believe me I can screen share or let someone browse trough my computer if I have to. Thank you for taking your time to read this.

    Frasski / Frappy

  2. G'day,

    I am the administrator that banned you. As I already stated on discord we do not pardon hackers for any reason.

    I can easily make a new alt account or use a VPN in case I get IP-Banned but a progress reset isn't that fun and I mean..

    Don't stress yourself out too much we have ways to combat this too. Your forum account will also be locked.


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