Discord ban appeal DeJean

  1. 5 years ago

    Could i please be unbanned from discord, because I dont know why i got banned from that. It would be usefull to communicate during my trail. I also missed a meeting that i would like to do as soon as possible. Thank you for understanding.

  2. G'day,

    You were banned from discord because you were sending unsolicited messages to people to "like" your ban appeal (as if this would somehow improve your chances) and were subsequently banned from discord too.

    Then as if this wasn't bad enough you are pestering staff on top of advertising this server on other servers. Since we automatically ban any person who does this on our server, in what way do you think we could possibly look favourably on your actions?

    Your application to appeal your discord ban is denied, with option to review once the server owner has had a chance to review your actions.


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