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PVP Battle Video!

  1. 4 years ago
    Edited 4 years ago by ThePhoenix

    PVP battle between Ronjob, Edward, and myself, VS bgmg, Eli, VIP, and Doppy…
    Obviously we won, bgmg tped out multiple times, Doppy Tped out, Eli and VIP logged for 2 hours... Then had even more people come into try protect them which is sad but oh well... Ultimately we won when they logged

    PS Ignore after7mins forgot to stop recording

  2. Edited 4 years ago by VIP653

    Wow, congratulations on posting the most boring video on the forums :/ ft. your shaking hand. But, I have to disagree that you won, your main goal was to kill Elijah which you then failed after waiting for 2 hours then continued to come back and fight despite losing to kill anyone then ran towards the end. I'm pretty sure you tp'ed out a good 4-5 times while I logged for an hour or 2 and tp"ed out once! Either way, we should defo do it again, you all know we have 2 times more manpower and resources, aha!
    PS. Finding wally edward
    Where's wally edward