im so sorry for advetising

  1. 5 years ago


    19 Jan 2020 Suspended
    Edited 5 years ago by Th3GreenGamer

    Title of the thread: i am so sorry my comrades

    In Game Name: DarSava

    Reason for your ban: advetising
    Why should you be unbanned:yes hello im very sorry but you banned me for no reason (no -edited by Green) and you morons made a spelling mistake, *sighs*, MORONS. here is the proof

  2. Edited 5 years ago by Th3GreenGamer

    Since you've decided to appeal very non-seriously I will respond in kind.

    So first of all you didn't capitalize the "i" nor did you put a period at the end.

    Title of the thread: i am so sorry my comrades

    You didn't put a space between the colon and "yes", and you didn't capitalize the "y".

    Why should you be unbanned:yes

    You forgot the apostrophe and the capital "i" in "I'm".

    hello im

    You also forgot to capitalize the "h" and the period.

    here is the proof

    Overall I grade this essay a B-.

    Also you're still banned, here's the proof:

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