After some discussion with the other admins it has been concluded that your ban should be permanent.
I quote you from your last three bans:
"Why should you be unbanned: I am extremely sorry for language that is deemed inappropriate. It will not happen again. I am aware that I have had warnings from staff about other words. But I am very sorry sometimes when I'm provoked I respond in a rude manner I am very sorry for that.
It will not happen again.
Why should you be unbanned: I was bored and for no good reason copied what this dude said it was a random string of numbers and the word "bepis" So I copied it and messaged it in the chat. I had no idea I would be banned. It was truly an accident I had no warning. Please forgive me I did not know the server bans for long string of numbers
I hope I can Be unbanned thanks and return to the best server in all of Minecraft
Why should you be unbanned: I am extremely sorry for using too many Caps in my sentence. I was just trying to get some donations for one of the fellow player friends who was recently raided and lost everything. If you unban me I promise that I will not happen again. I mean never. Gone are the days when I use caps to draw attention to an issue. Please I did not mean any harm whatsoever. I truly am sorry. I will abide by the rules.
I love your ban appeals but unfortunately you don't seem to abide by your promises and being bored is no excuse for bad behaviour. Sorry Louis but times up.