Title of the thread: (your In Game Name here)'s Ban Appeal
In Game Name: Ealdwine_Drasax
Reason for your ban: According to this, I have been banned due to having a VPN.
Why should you be unbanned: I do not have a VPN. I have never purchased nor do I own a VPN. I have been banned randomly for no reason again. I do not own a VPN and I got pinged again for it.
Okay, So I have found out that my Fiance has upgraded our account with your security group that included a VPN for free. I did not know this at the time and explains the servers dissatisfaction with my internet connection. I do apologize and I want to express my apologies in regards to this. I did not know this information and I have removed the VPN abilities from my wifi system to the best of my knowledge (looking on google to remove it)