The Drawing Game

  1. 9 years ago

    How to play: I start by saying a drawing idea, the next person draws it and posts it here along with another idea, and so on. Basically everyone gets to show off your skills. Here's the first challenge: a gnome riding a pop-tart flying through space

  2. and then player two would do this: -image-

    "two pieces of kfc eating each other"

  3. I suck at drawing lol

  4. -image-

    Next person draws a twerking skele k.
    it will please me.

  5. Edited 9 years ago by argonFiles


    a weed whacking dingus

  6. -image-

    Crafty vs Batman vs Superman vs Alien vs Predator

  7. Oolfa

    3 Mar 2016 Suspended

    What software or app do we use to draw?

  8. Deleted 9 years ago by Blackened_Dawn
  9. Oofla, you can use this website

  10. Edited 9 years ago by Mayorga

    Argon, How do you post a picture ?

  11. Deleted 9 years ago by Blackened_Dawn
  12. 8 years ago

    @sovietsuperman Crafty vs Batman vs Superman vs Alien vs Predator

    I might just tackle this project now...

  13. Lol good luck xD

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