Raven Publishing Company.

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago

    I did something similar back in 1.8 :D Instead of novels though, I wrote articles about any noteworthy builds I found while out exploring. It was really fun and I'm glad you're using the book/quill feature to have fun too! Keep up the good work! Caw!

  3. @Jackieinabox I did something similar back in 1.8 :D Instead of novels though, I wrote articles about any noteworthy builds I found while out exploring. It was really fun and I'm glad you're using the book/quill feature to have fun too! Keep up the good work! Caw!

    Thanks! And that seems rather interesting, nice!

  4. Hi everybird!
    Just finished my copy of the first book!
    Highly recommended not only to bird lovers but to whomever loves a good fantasy story!
    Creative and fun! keep up the good work @TheDunmerRaven ! and thanks for the boks, I will whisper you for the other volumes once i finish the second!
    (Already have The White Raven, not really sure how though...) :P

  5. @Tweakerzoid Hi everybird!
    Just finished my copy of the first book!
    Highly recommended not only to bird lovers but to whomever loves a good fantasy story!
    Creative and fun! keep up the good work @TheDunmerRaven ! and thanks for the boks, I will whisper you for the other volumes once i finish the second!
    (Already have The White Raven, not really sure how though...) :P

    I leave random copies of books around, maybe that;s it :P
    And thank you! Good that you enjoyed it!

  6. I just got my hands on the first book, it was left in the community chest. I'll start reading when i'm on!

  7. @Cileklim I just got my hands on the first book, it was left in the community chest. I'll start reading when i'm on!

    Sounds good!

  8. Hey @TheDunmerRaven, how can I get a copy of this book? Would love to read, sounds like a great book!

  9. @Laineyyz Hey @TheDunmerRaven, how can I get a copy of this book? Would love to read, sounds like a great book!

    I can pop on the server and give you one or two later, I haven't been on the server much. But I'll happily come on to give you it.

  10. Cool. But I wont be able to get on soon, I've just get to work, wont be able to log on for another at least 12 hours :P Perhaps I'll drop you a PM here when I get on? Thanks!

  11. @Laineyyz Cool. But I wont be able to get on soon, I've just get to work, wont be able to log on for another at least 12 hours :P Perhaps I'll drop you a PM here when I get on? Thanks!

    Sure thing, no rush at all.

  12. raven can i have a copy too?
    btw how do you copy the books?

  13. Ok, Just as heads up. I have resumed book production (Or so I think) so we'll just have to see where things go from here!

  14. Interestingly enough, This is a "Publishing Company" not just me writing books under a pretence. Hence after a request, the RPC is delighted to reveal the release of a book by @thegoldsmith called "Raven Info Book" which is currently being ran as a sort of experiment to see if other authors can suit the RPC. So, We'll just have to wait and see. If you're interested in a copy, you can request one from it's author, or borrow a copy from me.


  15. Yay! Published thanks @TheDunmerRaven

  16. Edited 8 years ago by NutjobBob

    @TheDunmerRaven a book by @thegoldsmith called "Raven Info Book"

    Review of "Raven Info Book":
    6/10 - Too many advertisements

  17. @NutjobBob 6/10 - Too many advertisements

    You'll notice that beside this post (Which acts to keep track of the RPC) I don't advertise at all :P

  18. Edited 8 years ago by NutjobBob

    I meant in @thegoldsmiths book! Not for the RPC in general. Made it more obvious.

  19. I found a copy of the Raven Info book in the community chest and really enjoyed it! I didn't know ravens in captivity can learn to mimic speech like parrots! And don't worry about advertisements furnaces need to make a living too :P I've put the book back for the next lucky person to find

  20. The next book of "The White Raven" is finished!

  21. Gimme!

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