Soviet's Thoughts: Jay Ivanov

  1. 9 years ago

    For those of you who haven't already guessed, Jay Ivanov is my name. I am indeed a socialist, and I created Red Army in hopes of creating a socialist system in game to both educate and have fun. However it turns out that running a system is a ton of work, and with some personal drama going on irl, it made me no longer want to keep running Red Army. Though in my time running my faction, I learned a few things. Tons of people fear words like "Socialist" and "Communist" without even knowing what they mean. Hell, even in real life, it's been a bit of a challenge. I wish people would learn more about peoples beliefs so they could understand one another. Idk why I'm writing this here or now, but it is what it is. I'm sorry if Red Army did anything to burden peoples fun, or if I personally did anything to burden peoples fun. Been a long day all. Thanks for the good times.

  2. Oolfa

    7 Mar 2016 Suspended

    Soviet a true teacher and smart politician. Soviet is amongst the servers top intelligent ppl. I'll admit.

  3. Soviet for president

  4. [deleted]

    7 Mar 2016

    i liked it. theres something about pretend wars in servers that i like

  5. I think people fear those words in particular because of the fears of the past, Say maybe 50 years ago when the words Socialist meant the destruction of freedom to many people. It was wrong of course and many people suffered (McCarthy Witch hunts in America during the Cold War for example) but such fear should be overrideable given enough time and prompting. Just a thought.

    Good luck however.

  6. Who's going to take your position?

  7. I am surprised to read this. I found your tenacity a force to be reckoned with and chose to fight that force with words. I went overboard with that, and I'm sorry. I realize your change of heart probably doesn't have much to do with my objections to your approach with the Red Army, but I hope this doesn't mean you'll be leaving the server altogether. I, like many players, love the variety of the game experience and I learned from you, a different side. Good luck in all of your pursuits.

  8. its real sad to see this, hope you can sort all this drama out (like i have to about every single day) and best of luck to you

  9. When I first saw the thread debuting the "Red Army", I thought: "Just another chump making yet another worthless faction. There's no way someone so new could bring people under his control." Yet soviet day by day exceeded my expectations. I saw his dedication and cohesion bring several players together; until one day I saw the official roster (this was during my inactive period) and it involved a selection of relatively powerful players.

    Your faction to me has been a case-in-point of hard work resulting in reward: those posts about making music, banners, logos, official roles and jobs espoused your diligent mentality and it paid off. And now I'm witnessing the opposite from another faction; an effortless attempt to create a community, founded on lies and rudeness. It will not last.
    I think your final move of transferring the Red Army to the aforementioned faction was not to form relations or to help the recipients, rather it was to show that nobody would want to move to that faction even if their former leader told them to.
    Thank you for being a great presence on the server,

  10. Edited 9 years ago by sovietsuperman

    @Mabzino Thank you for the kind words, It makes me happy to see I've made an impact. The only reason Red Army became what it was, is it had had a purpose. I wanted people to come together, have fun, and learn a bit more about an ideology that is currently demonized all over the U.S.A. Many times have I been told that I: am against freedom, should leave the country, should be killed, or all of the above just for being open about what I believe. It makes me happy to have a place to finally be able to share/act upon my beliefs and not feel ostracized, but instead feel welcome. This game does a lot more for people than many players realize, and I'm glad the staff on this server puts up with it all.

  11. @sovietsuperman @Mabzino Thank you for the kind words, It makes me happy to see I've made an impact. The only reason Red Army became what it was, is it had had a purpose. I wanted people to come together, have fun, and learn a bit more about an ideology that is currently demonized all over the U.S.A. Many times have I been told that I: am against freedom, should leave the country, should be killed, or all of the above just for being open about what I believe. It makes me happy to have a place to finally be able to share/act upon my beliefs and not feel ostracized, but instead feel welcome. This game does a lot more for people than many players realize, and I'm glad the staff on this server puts up with it all.

    Personally in terms of Minecraft socialism can actually be useful because everyone helps everyone else and things like that, essentially becoming more and more powerful. I don't have a very good knowledge of socialism, but I don't think it should be demonized at all.

  12. @sovietsuperman @Mabzino Thank you for the kind words, It makes me happy to see I've made an impact. The only reason Red Army became what it was, is it had had a purpose. I wanted people to come together, have fun, and learn a bit more about an ideology that is currently demonized all over the U.S.A. Many times have I been told that I: am against freedom, should leave the country, should be killed, or all of the above just for being open about what I believe. It makes me happy to have a place to finally be able to share/act upon my beliefs and not feel ostracized, but instead feel welcome. This game does a lot more for people than many players realize, and I'm glad the staff on this server puts up with it all.

    Question (As I lack a lot of recent knowledge when it comes to this subject), How much is it demonized in the U.S. and how does this compare to other parts of the world?

  13. I just wish there were an example to show how much of a flawed system socialism is.

    ...oh wait, there are several.

  14. @Dice_Boken I just wish there were an example to show how much of a flawed system socialism is.

    ...oh wait, there are several.

    this is a sensitive topic and id prefer if you didn't interrupt everything :P

  15. If he has valid arguments to bring, a debate is welcome. Snarky comments aren't the way to go though, Dice.
    Socialism as it is written is a very much a potent system (in many ways).
    However, states in the past (and in present) that are/were socialist carried it out in their own manner and put their own tint on the ideology.
    I'm not against any ideology, it's all about the people presenting it; any ideology can be made beneficial to a society and form a fully functional and happy country when executed correctly.

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