I think a castle tower would actually well fit in this space! I would suggest maybe building a stone outer frame and then having the tower wall one block behind it. Kinda like it has two layers almost, to avoid the old giant flat surface trap (I've fallen in it many times myself). You could also use the two layer idea to help break up the shape which would draw in the viewers eye. Also adding in little details like cracked stone bricks or just stone brick stairs inside the wall would help :)
I'll include some picks of one I just quickly made (so please don't judge). I only worked on two of the sides so ignore the flat one, but it's just so that there are pictures if my words fail me (just pretend it's underground) :P
(it's better if you imagine this as the ruins of an old civilization or something)

I put a pile of cobble to look a bit like rubble or something, thought it would be fitting for an underground stone build and it also makes it look old like it's slowly crumbling. Idk gives it character :P