@Grinning_Bobcat @jamlbon xude these are awesome. I've made the Hatsune Miku before on Xbox when I didn't have PC MC so whoa throwback thanks
Aww thanks and you're welcome I guess ahaha
@Grinning_Bobcat @jamlbon xude these are awesome. I've made the Hatsune Miku before on Xbox when I didn't have PC MC so whoa throwback thanks
Aww thanks and you're welcome I guess ahaha
needs more pokemon
dangit i have to go back to homework now :/
In my old base I actually had quite a few pokemon ones
Has WoolWorth been helping with any projects?
I haven't done any yet but yes he will deffo
Gonna go up to my sheep farm and just hoard stacks of wool in prep
@jamlbon I haven't done any yet but yes he will deffo
Gonna go up to my sheep farm and just hoard stacks of wool in prep
We have a sheep farm? Lol
@FishW We have a sheep farm? Lol
Oh lol yeah it's else where as it's obvs damn near impossible to get sheep for us ahaha
@jamlbon Oh lol yeah it's else where as it's obvs damn near impossible to get sheep for us ahaha
Thats what i was wondering i thought u had some like awesome hidden sheep farm in the sky lol