A little riddle, if you'd be so kind to solve it.

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago

    Should the answer be said in the forum, or should it be PMed to me?

  3. Tell me! I must know! XD

  4. You guys know how to decipher it now, go decipher it!

  5. |Eight_Three|
    If my template is Eight and the number of times I count is Three... What do I do?

  6. @_Haxington_ |Eight_Three|
    If my template is Eight and the number of times I count is Three... What do I do?

    Eight - count to the third letter, because the second word is Three.


  8. @_Haxington_ OOOOOOOOHHH... Ok

    Theeerrreee you go.

  9. Wanna tell us where the quote is from now?

  10. Ah, right. It's a quote from Marquis, my favorite character in Battleborn.

  11. Marquis? Bah, Boldur dosent like him

  12. Edited 8 years ago by GrinningBobcat

    Battleborn Baron Battle Bread :P

  13. @BaronBattleBread Marquis? Bah, Boldur dosent like him

    Boldur is just jealous that Marquis has a double-gunned cane of badassery.

  14. @AlienArtifact56 Boldur is just jealous that Marquis has a double-gunned cane of badassery.

    Marquis just likes looking at boldurs backside

  15. @BaronBattleBread Marquis just likes looking at boldurs backside

    He just wants to find a way to remove Boldurs stump as painfully as possible.

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