Parkour Tutorial

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by Aquafyna

    There will be no music. This is only for those who needs help with
    it. If these didn't help you and another thing helped you, feel free to
    post it. This is, after all, meant to help people.
    Don't judge my editing skillz.

  2. can't wait to finish after 400 attempts

  3. 800 attempts and still can't finish it

  4. I kept on getting stuck on the part where you have to jump on the fence at the start. I didn't know that you had to jump on top of it and I was literally like "I'm not even kidding how the fuck do I get past this fifth jump". The same thing also happened to me at the part where you have to jump on top of the ice blocks near the start as well. That part was also in the old parkour and I learned back then.

  5. Edited 8 years ago by LeoSushi

    Is this conversation just a bunch of people talking about how hard the parkour is? If so, I completely agree.

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