7 hours
7 hours
I'll throw in a bid for 12
@AttackTeam sorry rybye all ready offed it before you. so that means the city goes to @Rybye if no one offers more in the next hour the full owner ship goes to rybye
okay if no one offers more than 13db in the next 5 hours the city goes ti @AttackTeam
13 5 dia
13 6 dia
okay if no one offers more than 14db in the next 5 hours the city goes to rybye
rybye wins the bid! @rybye when will you be on?
@minesy i can get on now
@AttackTeam you win the city!
What happened? @minesy
Why doesnt Rybye have it?
cause he did not get a tpa and he wanted to give me the dias there wich he would have not als oyou want it?