unoriginal, starting commissions

  1. 8 years ago

    hello peoples of craftymynes, seeing as i am unoriginal, i will be opening commissions just like everyone else. (except my commissions really arent commissions because its free ;);)" all you have to do is reply telling me to draw you and i will.
    some reference of my art skill(fantastic)

  2. outshartz why must you spam troll threads???

  3. its not a troll thread, i am 100% serious about this

  4. -image-

  5. Draw me Shia Labeouf

  6. that fucking pvp one lmao.

  7. its how it actually is when we pvp. me chopping him to pieces and him cowering in fear

  8. -image-

    shia labeouf

  9. Edited 8 years ago by FlashFood

    Lmao, its like a messed up gnome

  10. no, its like a perfected shia labeouf

  11. Draw a neckbeard

  12. Draw Kaneki Ken :)

  13. Edited 8 years ago by Kankuroku


    kaneki ken with neckbeard...

  14. Edited 8 years ago by Chips_The_Gamer

    xD Sounds awesome

  15. You gonna draw him with his mask or nah ?

  16. -image-

    kaneki ken from tokyo ghoul with (terrible) neckbeard

  17. Please draw me.

  18. Edited 8 years ago by Chips_The_Gamer

    Lmfao, how long did that take you ? xD You should've drawn him with his kagune sticking out , that would've been cool :P

  19. hmmm that would have cool

    and i will pimpcy dw <3

  20. -image-
    its terrible omg im so sorry <3

  21. Newer ›

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