Chris's Enchanted Book Store and More™

  1. 5 years ago
    Edited 5 years ago by sirchristopher10

    Welcome to Chris's Enchanted Book Store and More!™ where we sell (as the name implies) Enchanted Books (and more)!

    Our selection includes:

    General Enchantments
    Mending 1x Diamond
    Unbreaking III 2x Diamonds (SALE 2 BOOKS FOR 3 DIAMONDS)

    Tool Enchantments
    Efficiency V 3x Diamonds
    Silk Touch 1x Diamond

    Weapon Enchantments
    Sharpness V 3x Diamonds
    Looting III 2x Diamonds

    Bow/Crossbow Enchantments
    Multishot 1x Diamond
    Power V 3x Diamonds
    Flame 1x Diamonds
    Punch II 2X Diamonds

    Armor Enchantments
    Protection IV 3x Diamonds
    Aqua Affinity 1x Diamond
    Depth Strider III 2x Diamonds
    Feather Falling IV 3x Diamonds

    Custom Maps
    BlueVoid™ Map 3x Diamonds
    Grey/Orange Map 2x Diamonds

    NOTE: I am willing to negotiate bulk prices and if you are unable to afford the prices, just talk we can probably barter with something else ^^.
    Pending Orders:
    -Shane [FUFILLED]
    -Opened 11/29/2019
    BlueVoid™ Map in Action!

  2. (Opened 11/29/2019)

  3. Hi there,

    I would like to buy the following:

    10x mending books (10 diamonds)
    10x Unbreaking books (15 diamonds)
    5x Silk touch books (5 diamonds)
    3x Looting books (6 diamonds)

    The total price of this would be 36 diamonds. Do it for 33?


  4. you should start selling gsets and such

  5. @Shane Hi there,

    I would like to buy the following:

    10x mending books (10 diamonds)
    10x Unbreaking books (15 diamonds)
    5x Silk touch books (5 diamonds)
    3x Looting books (6 diamonds)

    The total price of this would be 36 diamonds. Do it for 33?


    Deal 33 dias ill get that for you asap

  6. @Ronjob you should start selling gsets and such

    I might gotta get respiration villy rerolled

  7. @Shane your order is ready

  8. Cheers for this, trade complete.

    Good trade :)

  9. Edited 5 years ago by Tez1010

    You may find this helpful

    How to add tables on the forum

  10. Hi there,

    I would like to buy:

    10x mending
    10x unbreaking
    5x silk touch
    5x looting
    5x efficiency

    Total price: 55 diamonds, shall we say 50?

    Also, I'm very interested in fortune III books, can we do something for them?

  11. Could I get 6 Prot IV books?

  12. sure @SantasElf

  13. Edited 5 years ago by ChubsMonkey

    Sorry to be so late but is there a way I could get my hands on an infinity book?

    I'd also like 3x mending.

    Total: 3+

  14. i would like 10x Mending for 10 Diamonds

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