Post 1.20 House Tour - The Gelta Residence

  1. 8 months ago
    Edited 8 months ago by Gelta

    I tried building a very conventional brick house with a slate roof for once, and ended up with a slightly industrail looking but still very cozy place to live. It felt very much like an older version of the brick houses were I live, so I gave it an old fashioned name.

    The Gelta Residence
    Without the shutters, trimmed hedges and neat flower beds, this buildings shell would probably look more like a warehouse. I guess thats the power of homely touches. The conservatory built onto the side of the house tends to be a thing around my area.


    Stepping inside the front door, we have a front hall with a coat rack, a shoe box and a guest book. Large double doors allow the housekeeper to bring the food cart to either the dinning room, or down the hall to the parlour.

    The kitchen is modelled off how victorian kitchens were built. The food cart is waiting by the door and stairs give access to the cellar. A back door lets the cook take scraps and leftovers out to the cow pen and the chicken coop, as well discreetly bring milk and eggs in early each morning.

    If we head back out to the front hall and to the right though, guests may use the downstairs bathroom after a long journey. This is a porcelain and marble affair with a wash basin. Such is the nature of minecraft plumbing.

    Having washed up and refreshed themsevles, guests and hosts alike can relax in a brighly patterned parlour. This room really isnt as cluttered as a real victorian house would be, but theres only so much a square grid can hold without just looking messy. What is out of view of the screenshot is the pottery sherd display on a second large shelf, standing in for a china cabinet.

    Once dinner is ready, an equally brightly patterned dining room awaits. Several side boards and a second cabinet just offscreen store the actual dishes and silverware. If glass bottles could be placed, they would be neatly laid out on the back table instead of those large pots. A small side door allows the cook and maid to discreetly bring drinks and extra food servings.

    After dinner, the host might proudly show off their conservatory and their botany collection. A stroll through the garden or a smoke on the fishing deck might also be preferable if the weather permits.




    Up a set of spiral stairs from the lower hallway is the upper one, leading to the guest rooms and master suit. There is an upper bathroom, this time in fancy imported prismarine. Guests maybe choose from a sky blue room or a sunny yellow room. Their travel clothes will be cleaned in a laundry room in the basement and dried using a mangle.




    Seperated from the upper hallway by a set of double doors, a sub hallway leads into the rooms of the master suit. Since the owner is not concerned about sharing a bathroom with guests, the two rooms of this suit are a master bedroom and a small personal library. If the owner was more of a business person they would likey have arranged these rooms into more of a seating area and formal office in order to receive other business people.


    ... and that was the tour, lol. Thank you for visiting the Gelta Residence. Please sign your name in the guest book before leaving. I hope you got a good feel for the place, as well as a good look at it.

  2. Thank you for posting this lovely showcase of your base.

    Looking forward to seeing you next fantastic build.

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