IKilledZeus's Ban Appeal

  1. 4 months ago

    In Game Name: IKilledZeus

    Reason for your ban: Language

    Why should you be unbanned: I never, not even once, said ANYTHING against the rules. I played for a bit and got full diamond and whatnot and I would like to keep it. I didn't say anything inappropriate but apparently the chat filter or other people don't know the English language. I would like to be unbanned due to the reason of not breaking any rules.


  2. Hi! I'm the mod that banned you. You know exactly what you were chatting and why. You watched several other people in chat get banned for breaking chat rules before you. In fact I actually missed an even more egregious chat violation I should've banned you for minutes earlier while looking through logs. As this appeal is insincere and you don't have any real intention of changing your behavior or apologizing you will stay permanently banned. Bye.

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