In Game Name: gotmojoreck
Reason for your ban: lavacasting spawn city
Why should you be unbanned: While I am remorseful, as I didn't properly understand the full extent of CommanderCat's vision of spawn city, I truly believe this to be an unjust ban. I was told by CommanderCat in main chat, anyone who lavacasts 0,0 will be banned. This appeared to be because he didn't want anybody messing with the chunks that are protected, and specifically the teleport to spawn, which is understandable. The day after he said that I was in a voice chat with CommanderCat, another mod, and I believe around 8 others. This was to discuss an unrelated matter, which has been resolved. CommanderCat is claiming that in this voice call he specifically told me if I build a lavacast anywhere at spawn city, or in that general area he would ban me. This is not true. I believe he thinks he said that, but he did not. All he did was reiterate the point that casting 0,0 specifically would result in a ban, and question how the griefers knew lava buckets were enabled again. This has been corroborated by several of the others in the voice chat at the time, as well as the mod who was in the voice chat. At first I questioned if I could be wrong, and maybe he did say that. I thought maybe I had just missed it among the excitement of everything else going on in the call. So I asked others in the call and they all agreed that while he did mention griefing 0,0 he said nothing about spawn city. After this I decided the only course of action was to ask the other mod present, and wait for a reply. If he agreed that he said it I would surrender and apologize to CommanderCat. However, as mentioned before, the mod agreed that CommanderCat said no such thing about spawn city. Thus, here I am. While I do believe there was malicious intent behind this ban, I am not going to attempt to get into it here. I only want CommanderCat to right this wrong, and allow me back on this beautiful server. I will not lavacast spawn city again now that I know it is not allowed. Thank you.
TLDR: CommanderCat said not to grief the 0,0 chunks, but not spawn city specifically. I griefed spawn city, far away from the 0,0 chunks, and got banned for it anyway.