I'm Sorry Dawn! Please Don't hate Me! (Dragon Kill)

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by Kinkybobo

    First up I wanted to formally apologize to @Blackened_Dawn and everyone on Craftymynes for being an idiot and accidentally griefing spawn... I was about to attempt my first solo Ender Dragon kill and thought that I could clear the area of a few Enderman by making them fall through the spawn portal... I thought they just despawned upon touching the portal, and then Dawn informed me (and almost banned my dumbass off the server) that they were actually getting teleported to spawn and jacking up the entity count. O_o ... my bad guys. That was 100% not what I intended. I love this server and would never do anything to jeopardize the relationship I have with the wonderful staff and community of Craftymynes. I hope my little escapade did not change the way you guys see me as a player here : /

    Anyways, my stupidity aside, while the actual Dragon encounter did not go exactly as planned, and I ended up dying and losing my shovel and pickaxe somewhere... overall I'd call it a success! made off with a stack of dragon's Breath and 95% of my gear intact lol

    Thanks go to @MizoreShirayuki @Neonjews and @mtbsharkman for showing up and helping me kill the bugger, and for not making off with my gear and leaving me absolutely screwed lol. I had fun and we should do it again sometime XD ... minus the spawn griefing... cough* ahem.. =D

  2. lel

  3. you idiot

  4. hahahahahaha XD

  5. did that actually happened? xD

  6. I got a couple stacks of pearls out of it.

  7. Edited 7 years ago by Kinkybobo

    Yes it actually happened lol @Cileklim
    I'm glad baron thinks it's funny lol... Dawn didn't seem quite as entertained XD

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