Covert's map art

  1. 7 years ago

    Hello you crafty peeps :P
    I'm planning to make some map art soon and need some suggestions. If you aren't familiar with map art its when you create a custom image on a map then usually display it in an item frame to make it larger. I've been wanting to do this for a while and figured it's time to finally do it :P I do plan to sell these in the future as I think people would like having custom images to use as decoration. This is my first time making one so I can't give a time estimate as to when they will be available or what the price will be

    Now I don't have a specific image in mind so I'd figured I ask the community. So what images do you guys want to see? Pixel art of nintendo characters? Abstract? A fresh pepe? Let me know ^_^

  2. a gigantic fuking "CRAFTYMYNES" would be cool

  3. Edited 7 years ago by MisterReco

    I'll ask it first, because I know some people want it... Link

  4. mob heads!

  5. my face!

  6. Be careful who you sell them to. Maps can be used to track the location of the art and grief it.

    Correct me if I'm wrong

  7. kinda wrong, if someone tried to put together all of there server's maps the could but that would take probably years.

  8. I'll pay you a reasonable price for you to do a minecraft fish on CraftyMynes then you give me da map :P

  9. @misterkickman kinda wrong, if someone tried to put together all of there server's maps the could but that would take probably years.

    That's not what I meant

  10. @OpticImpulse I'll pay you a reasonable price for you to do a minecraft fish on CraftyMynes then you give me da map :P

    ^^^ I'd buy a fish map too. And I'd like some star wars maps maybe?

  11. Make my face

  12. Is this where you make the picture on hte ground and then map it?

  13. Sheikah symbol or other fancy mosaic

  14. @ViciousKangaroo Be careful who you sell them to. Maps can be used to track the location of the art and grief it.

    Correct me if I'm wrong

    If you've seen the 1.11 update it tells you how to find the things the cartagrapher treasure maps have. It's the same thing expect the map art would be the thing you are finding

  15. Ok I guess it would be a bad idea then

  16. Not if you build it real quick, then mapped it if you just used the rtp. Then it wouldn't matter you could grab the wool and leave.

  17. Pac man maze complete with pac man, the ghosts, and pips

  18. Guys, I wont be selling the original map. I'll be selling copies such as this
    people wont be able to track me with it :P

  19. Mob heads and Link would be fun to make, keep these suggestions coming! ^_^

  20. Good :)

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