A Server Divided

  1. 9 years ago

    I guess some of us will be staying on 1.8 and others moving to 1.9... it's truly a shame the community has to divide like this. Please post what you'll be doing, I'd like to see how many are staying on 1.8 or moving to 1.9

  2. 1.9 for sure. Pvp has changed a lot, (with the new potions , sword cooldown , shields ,new enchantments, etc.) maybe I'll have a better luck this time with the new changes, who knows ? :P Also looking forward to using Elytras.

  3. We are expanding, not dividing.

  4. Definitely 1.9.
    I'll revisit 1.8 on the occasion, but I don't see any point.
    I'm sure the vast majority (90-95%+) will go to the 1.9 server.

  5. I don't really think it will be a server divided.

  6. I will be going to 1.9. It will be nice starting on a brand new server day one with a bunch of other people and on an even playing field.

  7. craft is just gonna make a whole new server? no fair, my bases are huge and i have to make them again? grrrrrrr, never even got to the good bits

  8. Edited 9 years ago by CactusOwnage

    The current world of 1.8 will be kept and you will be able to join it. Crafty is also be able to transfer you base for a fee per chunk. Im not entirely sure how it works.

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