when will my head be added to the donor wall?

  1. 8 years ago

    I am curious to when or if my head will be added to the donors wall. If its already there please direct me to it. I frequently check and I still can not find it. I have donated multiple vip+ months, bought Vip and or Vip + for stephycakes11, cookiestepdog and LunarrEclipse. I even bought crafty pizza once. I would roughly say i have donated in total around $200. I see many others that say $15.00 and they have a head on the wall.

    I would also be willing to pay $60 to $75 a year for VIP +.

    I limit the price to that because of what i pay for similar entertainment services. For example hulu 7.99, Netflix 7.99, wwe 9.99, etc etc and these offer multiple programming as opposed to a single game. This is not a slam or insult just an observation of other internet services i have and what they cost on average.

  2. Last i checked my own head isnt up and its been a year

  3. Edited 8 years ago by Captain_Mitchell

    The heads are not even updated. My head needs an updated price.

  4. do y'all want to die

    dawn is in charge of many many many things

  5. I do! :)

  6. Y'all so nice and donate all the time, but it makes it a bit hard to update the wall so often. The main issue is that I need to total donations from 3 different sources. The other issue is that buy craft doesn't allow you to export all your payments in one go. I have been trying to automate the updating of heads but it hasn't been going so well. Rest assured it's on my mile long list of stuff to do.

  7. Ok thanks

  8. It's there, I just need to automate the heads.

  9. Plus, there's way too many heads in there to even count. A lot of the players no longer play.

  10. Heads have been automated!

  11. You're the best :D

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